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时间:2021-04-22 20:00来源:毕业论文

摘 要:近年来,银行卡被赋予的功能越来越多。因其使用方便快捷,也越来越受到广大居民的青睐。与此同时,商业银行也不断推出银行卡新品种和新业务。本课题从淮安市各商业银行的银行卡发行的状况出发,通过分析银行卡使用过程中存在的用卡环境不佳、营销措施不够等制约银行卡业务发展的问题,有针对性地提出了完善用卡环境、提高从业人员素质,增强持卡人防范意识、积极引导市民转变消费观念和增加IC芯片卡使用等相应对策,为淮安市商业银行银行卡的创新发展提供一些建议。66102


Abstract:Recently, banks are endowed with more and more functions. Because of its convenience and efficiency, it is more and more popular with the public. Meanwhile, commercial banks constantly launch new variety and business of bank card. This topic starts from the current situation of the issuance of bank car of each commercial bank in Huaian City and analyzes the issues restricting the bank car business development in the process of using bank card, such as bad using environment, insufficient marketing measures. Then, it specifically proposes corresponding countermeasures, such as improving the card using environment, enhancing the worker quality, strengthening the precaution consciousness of cardholder, actively guiding citizen to transfer consuming views and increasing IC chip card use, to provide some suggestions for the creative development of bank card of commercial banks in Huaian city. 

Keywords: bank card, professional work, development, countermeasures

目 录

1  引言 3

1.1  银行卡的含义与分类 3

1.2  银行卡业务的积极意义 3

2  淮安市银行卡业务的发展现状 3

2.1  淮安市银行卡业务的内容不断拓展 3

2.2  淮安市银行卡发卡数量不断增加 3

2.3  淮安市银行卡发卡行种类不断增多 4

3  淮安市银行卡业务发展过程中所存在的主要问题 4

3.1  银行卡用卡环境有待改善 4

3.2  银行卡使用有安全风险 5

3.3  资金技术力量薄弱,IC芯片卡发展进程受阻 5

3.4  淮安市商业银行起步较晚,银行卡业务发展面临障碍 6

4  淮安市银行卡业务发展的对策 6

4.1  加大政府支持力度,开发农村用卡市场 6

4.2  做好磁条卡的后续处理,大力推广IC芯片卡 7

4.3  完善用卡环境,提高服务水平 7

4.4  做好银行卡风险的防范对策 8

4.5  积极引导市民转变消费方式 8

结 论 9

参考文献 10

致 谢 11

1  引言

1.1  银行卡的含义与分类

银行卡是由商业银行等金融机构及邮政储汇机构向社会发行的具有消费信用、转账结算、存取现金等全部或部分功能的信用支付工具。因为各种银行卡一般用于存取款和转帐支付,且都是塑料制成的,所以又称之为“塑料货币”。论文网 淮安市银行卡业务发展的问题与对策:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_73884.html
