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时间:2020-08-20 19:39来源:毕业论文

摘  要:无锡市经济的快速发展,促使了旅游业的蓬勃发展,同时,旅游业也为无锡市的经济发展作出了巨大贡献。现在无锡市旅游业的发展进入了一个“瓶颈阶段”,主要表现在游客重游率低,客源地比较局限,旅游资源没有显著的本土特色等。本文主要利用问卷调查的研究方法,从旅游资源的开发、产品的结构、人才需求、环境保护、规模效应等方面分析无锡市旅游业出现的问题,并且针对性地提出改进的措施。比如,提高无锡市旅游资源的开发层次,深化旅游文化内涵;调整适应无锡市旅游可持续发展的旅游产品结构;完善旅游人才的培养、选拔和激励机制;保护环境,创建生态旅游城市;加强区域旅游合作。54523

毕业论文关键词:旅游; 存在问题; 改进建议; 无锡市

Abstract: The rapid economic development in Wuxi have prompted the vigorous development of tourism in this city. At the meantime, tourism also made huge contribution for the economic development of Wuxi. Now the development of tourism in Wuxi City entered a "bottleneck stage", mainly in the low tourist revisit rate, comparatively limited tourism source, tourism resources without significant characteristics. By using the research methods of questionnaire survey, this paper analysed the problems of tourism in Wuxi, in terms of development, product structure, personnel needs, environmental protection, and tourism resources scale, and then put forward some measures for improvement. For example, to improve the level of development of tourism resources in Wuxi City, to deepen the tourism and cultural connotations; to adjust to the tourism product structure for tourism sustainable development in Wuxi; to improve the mechanism of tourism personnel training, selection and incentives; to protect the environment, create eco-tourism city; to strengthen regional tourism cooperation.

Keywords: tourism; problems; suggestions; Wuxi

目   录

1  无锡市旅游业现状 4

2  研究方法和调查情况说明 5

2.1  研究方法 5

2.2  问卷设计和调查过程 5

2.3  调查问卷数据分析结果 5

3  提升无锡市旅游业发展水平的建议 9

3.1  提高无锡市旅游资源的开发层次,深化旅游文化内涵 9

3.2  调整适应无锡市旅游可持续发展的旅游产品结构 9

3.3  完善旅游人才的培养、选拔和激励机制 10

3.4  保护环境,创建生态旅游城市 10

3.5  加强区域旅游合作 10

结  论 11

参考文献 12

致谢 13

1  无锡市旅游业现状



交通:无锡市有相当便捷的交通,京沪、沪杭、宁杭等高速公路穿过。轨道交通有沪宁铁路,地铁一号线也即将通车,水路有京杭大运河南北纵贯。 无锡市旅游业发展现状及其改进措施:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_58743.html
