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时间:2018-07-05 15:48来源:毕业论文

关键词 规则偏好  社会规范  信贷履约  实验经济学
Title  Inpidual Credit Performance and Motivation Analysis               
based on Experiment of Social Preference and Performance Specification
In recent years, with the continuous development of experimental economics, an important finding is the transgression of the prosocial behavior of self-interest assumption of economic man is wide-spread, as a result, people's credit performance behavior isn't entirely by the economic interests of the trend. A large number of prosocial behavior findings contradict the traditional economic man hypothesis, prompting the birth of the theory of social preferences. In maintaining social preference theory on the basis of traditional economic man hypothesis, tried to introduce a fair and mutual aid, use this tool to build a new model of game theory to explain the experimental economics found that all kinds of phenomena. Belong to the team project, this paper focuses on analysis rules preferences and social norms for inpidual influence the performance of the credit. We through the trust game experiment laboratory experiments to gather the information they need to, use of econometric and Excel 80 subjects influence the performance behavior of factor analysis and test, a preliminary analysis of the results are obtained.
Keywords Rules of Preference  Social Rules  The performance of credit Experimental Economics 
目   次
1  引言 2
文献综述 2
2.1  实验经济学 4
2.2  社会偏好4
2.2.1  互惠理论偏好 4
2.3  规则偏好 6
2.4  信念 7
2.5  信贷履约机制 7
2.5.1  契约及履约机制 7
2.5.2  一般社会规范 7
2.5.3  履约机制的理论猜想7
2.6  测度偏好的博弈实验 8
2.6.1  信任博弈10
3  实验 10
3.1  研究方法和思路10
3.2  基于信任博弈的实验设计11
3.3  实验结果分析13
3.3.1  基本实验结果描述13
3.3.2  变量描述15
3.3.3  计量分析16
结论 18    
致谢 19   
个体信贷是民间金融的一种重要表现形式,它为个人对生活和生产的资金需求提供了更加方便、快捷的途径,对个人甚至整个社会的发展都发挥出了很大的作用。但是同时,个体信贷所产生的合约是一种典型的不完全契约,其中无法明确契约双方的权利和责任,因此存在一些缺陷和漏洞。虽然相比正规金融信贷有着较高的成本来严格监督合约的履行,个体信贷合约具有不完全性和法律界定的模糊性,但是个体信贷的履约率却并没有低于正规金融贷款的履约率。国内学者吴少新等(2007)从声誉机制来探究,认为违约者不仅会受到道德舆论的严厉谴责,而且其声誉和社会资本也会遭受到很大的损失,由此生成的一种信誉机制能够保证非正规金融交易的履行。国外学者Aryeete(2005)从信息机制上阐释,他主张个体的信息甄别是依托于借方的私人信息,借方通过加强个人联系以及只贷给周边的人来降低逆向选择和道德风险,从而此来保障合约的履行。 个体信贷履约行为动机分析规则偏好与履约规范的实验室度量:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_18930.html