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时间:2020-06-09 20:24来源:毕业论文



Analysis on the influence factors of the new normal to China's foreign trade structure

Abstract:Since the reform and opening up, the rapid development of foreign trade of our country, promote the economic growth, and today's commodity import and export volume ranked the first place of the world, become the world trade in can not be ignored in the country. But with the rapid advancement of further reform and opening to the outside world and economic globalization, the economy has shown the characteristics of the new normal, the foreign trade structure of our country also gradually revealed some problems. Therefore, this paper after the founding of the people's Republic of China from the development course of China's trade to proceed, through the analysis of the problems faced by China's foreign trade structure, the new normal to China's foreign trade structure of serious reflection and objective analysis, in order to of our country as soon as possible to optimize industrial structure and industrial upgrading from the trade great nation to the trade powerful nation transformation.

KeyWords: China's foreign trade structure;Economic new normal;Optimization strategy 

目  录

引言 1

一、我国外贸发展历程 2

(一)改革开放前的贸易结构 2

(二)改革开放后我国的贸易结构 3

(三)金融危机后的贸易结构 5

二、我国与世界贸易强国的贸易结构比较 7

(一)贸易强国的基本特征 7

1、对贸易利益的分配可控 7

2、对生产要素的配置可控 8

(二)我国外贸结构与世界贸易强国的比较 9

1、我国对外贸易产品结构不合理,出口产品档次偏低 9

2、我国贸易主体结构不合理,以外资为主 10

3、我国对外贸易市场结构单一 10

三、新常态下我国外贸结构面临机遇与挑战 12

(一)新常态下给贸易结构优化带来的机遇 12

1、“一带一路”政策使我国出口增势良好 12

2、金融的改善对我国外贸发展提供便利 13

3、电子商务的发展加速贸易方式改变 13

(二)新常态下给贸易结构优化带来的挑战 14

1、新贸易保护主义抬头 14

2、国际市场竞争加剧 14

3、人民币升值给出口带来挑战 15

四、新常态下如何优化我国的对外贸易结构 新常态对我国外贸结构的影响因素分析:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_53878.html
