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时间:2020-03-14 22:21来源:毕业论文

"Along the way" strategy as a whole, our national strategy in Eurasia and the implementation of the coastal economic belt, has a special historical background and significance. Not only marked by a small Chinese economic development has become a large economy, while improving the global status of China's economy. Thus, "along the way" as the strategy of long-term strategy, will enhance the international influence of our country, it has an important impact on promoting economic growth, industrial transfer. Wherein the development of China's insurance industry, while also facing great opportunities and challenges for the next strategic influence "along the way." In this paper, the theory along the way, will our current insurance industry as the research object, a detailed analysis of the current status of the development of China's insurance industry. And through data analysis pointed out that China's insurance industry, the problems, which put forward proposals for reform, which is China's insurance industry to develop and optimize the industrial structure to bring reference.
Key Words:Along the way;Insurance;Overseas Investment;risk control;Opportunities and Challenges
 目  录
摘 要    Ⅰ
第一章  导 论    1
1.1研究背景及意义    1
1.2国内外研究现状    2
第二章  我国保险业的发展概况及问题    4
2.1我国保险业的发展状况    4
2.2中国保险业面临的问题    6
第三章  “一带一路”为保险业带来的机遇    8
3.1支持基础设施建设    8
3.2保险企业直接“走出去”    9
3.3增强承保创新能力    9
第四章  案例分析    11
4.1福建保险业在“一带一路”中的发展    11
第五章  保险业在“一带一路”下的的建议    14
5.1提高保险机构服务能力    14
5.2完善风险机制    14
5.3政策支持    15
结束语    17
致  谢    18
参考文献    19
第一章  导 论
1.1 研究背景及意义
习近平总书记在2013年9月到10月,先后对哈萨克斯坦和印度尼西亚进行访问,并在此期间提出共建“丝绸之路经济带”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路” 的两个重大倡议,即“一带一路”,得到国际社会高度关注。
就中国而言,“一带一路”战略的建设是必然的,这是根据我国国情国际格局的发展,统筹两大格局而做出的重大决策。“一带一路”战略的建设不仅带动沿线国家的经济文化繁荣发展,也在世界和平发展的进程上产生积极作用。“一带一路”战略是建设在我国“丝绸之路”的基础上,以和平、包容、共赢的发展理念,积极响应国际潮流,共同打造互利互惠、经济融合、和平发展的关系。“一带一路”战略的建设符合国际社会的根本利益,其本质是中国已有效果经济发展转变为大国经济。“丝绸之路”是我国历史文明的发展,是我国古文明的复兴,该战略的提出不仅是对中国传统文化的继承,也是不同民族文化的国家共同发展的的美好理想,同时也对新的合作模式做出积极探索。 保险业在“一带一路”战略下的发展:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_48320.html