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时间:2020-03-12 20:07来源:毕业论文

Electronic commerce as a new trade mode in the information globalization and the globalization of economy, with its strong vitality and competitive advantage, quickly spread to various fields of international business, and the international economic structure change has far-reaching influence. China is currently the world import and export volume ranked first in the world how to trade, in the wave of e-commerce, the difficulties, seize the opportunity, meet the challenge, how to make full use of e-commerce to expand and bring the positive aspects of China's foreign trade and the overall economic impact, how to avoid the negative influence it brings, how to solve the current in the field of electronic commerce the development of the problems in time, take measures to make the rapid development of electronic commerce in China the pace to keep up with the times and the pace of the world, the world trade power. The subject is the reason and purpose of writing this paper.
This paper introduced the development of e-commerce and the current situation of the foreign trade of our country, the further analysis of the influence of the former on the latter. Finally, on the basis of this, put forward the new situation to improve the level of development of China's foreign trade strategy and suggestions.
Key Words: Electronic Commerce; Foreign Trade; Influence ;Strategy
 目  录
第一章  引言    1
第二章  我国跨境电子商务的发展现状    3
2.1交易规模持续扩大,占进出口贸易额比例不断提高    3
2.2出口跨境电商有望延续快速发展态势    3
2.3以B2B业务为主,B2C跨境模式逐渐兴起    4
第三章  跨境电子商务对我国对外贸易的影响    6
3.1改变对外贸易的经营主体    6
3.2改变对外贸易的交易方式    6
3.3降低外贸企业的经营成本    7
3.4改变外贸企业的经营模式和营销方式    7
第四章  我国跨境电子商务在发展过程中存在的问题    9
4.1 信息基础设施建设薄弱    9
4.2信用体系不完善    9
4.3相关法律法规不健全    9
4.4跨境电子支付安全薄弱    10
4.5跨境电商物流成本较高    10
4.6跨境电商专业人才欠缺    10
第五章  促进我国跨境电子商务发展的对策    12
5.1进一步加强网络基础设施建设    12
5.2加快培育和发展完善的电子商务外贸交易市场体系    12
5.3建立和健全相关的法律法规体系    12
5.4发挥我国跨境支付机构的作用    13
5.5降低跨境电商物流成本    13
5.6加强电子商务人才的培养    13 跨境电子商务对我国对外贸易的影响及对策研究:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_48177.html