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时间:2020-02-23 09:56来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:美国量化宽松政策 ;Frankel模型 ;VAR模型 ;VEC模型
Based on the research of America quantitative easing policy on the renminbi exchange rate against the dollar for direction effect. The sticky price monetary model -- Frankel model with the wealth effect, as the theoretical foundation of the thesis. Then, by using the VAR model and VEC model to study American quantitative easing policy on the renminbi'sexchange rate transmission mechanism research. Mainly the introduction of the two countries, the two countries poor money supply price level difference between the two GDP difference, CPI, Chinese dollar reserves endogenous variables to describe USA quantitative easing policy on the renminbi's exchange rate transmission mechanism, in order to build a long-term dynamic equilibrium model. And the use of eviews6.0, matlab2012 and sas9.1 processing and analysis of empirical data of these endogenous variables. Such a conclusion can be drawn: American implement short term and long term effects of the quantitative easing policy of RMB exchange rate significantly, America quantitative easing policy on conduction mechanism of RMB exchange rate, exchange rate change has the wealth effect. Finally, according to the conclusion of forecast and analysis of exit the quantitative easing policy of China's RMB exchange rate are affected, and put forward the corresponding development suggestions.
Key words:America QE;Frankel model;VAR model;VEC model
摘  要    I
Abstract    II
一、引言    1
(一)选题背景    1
(二)研究目的    2
(三)文献综述    2
二、模型设定与估计方法    4
(一)理论基础    4
(二)计量模型    5
(三)实证研究思路    6
三、实证分析    7
(一)变量符号说明    7
(二)模型准备    7
四、实证结果分析    20
(一)实证结论    20
(二)量化宽松政策进入与退出对汇率影响对比分析    20
五、政策建议    22
参考文献    24
21世纪初,美国次贷危机引发的全世界性质的金融海啸,给全球金融市场和每个国家的实体经济带来非常大的影响。每个国家都采取各种宽松的货币政策,就为了缓解金融市场压力和阻止经济上的衰退。但当政策利率降至零利率下限时,金融市场仍不见改观,传统的宏观货币政策已经不能适应国际市场的发展需求,其在危机下的表现不尽人意;正因为这样,非传统的货币经济政策的出台非常有必要,量化宽松政策就是其中最具代表性的。在此次危机之间,也有不少国家实施过量化宽松政策,例如日本在2000年到2006年间为了应对通货紧缩,实施过类似的政策。在这次金融海啸中,美国、欧盟、英国、日本等国都相继推出了具有他们特色的量化宽松政策。又因为美国是世界上最大的经济体,所以其实施的量化宽松政策非常值得研究。 美国量化宽松政策退出对人民币汇率的影响:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_46637.html