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时间:2019-09-27 12:35来源:毕业论文

Research on The Industry Credit China Bank
Abstract:After thirty years of reform and opening up China, profound changes have taken place in social economic structure, under the background of multicultural social mentality has quietly change, ethical conflicts emerge increasingly, moral risk event occurs repeatedly, in the credit business of banking activities is particularly prominent. The so-called moral hazard refers to may be not conducive to others is not easy to find the hidden behavior of persons engaged in economic activities in maximize their own utility, is often expressed as the main body of the market economy in violation of law and discipline constraint, morals risk behavior. In the credit of our country banking activities, the borrower, banks, regulators and practitioners credit credit mechanism, the supervision of credit institutions and even government departments may for own benefit maximization and the choice of moral hazard behavior, reflected in the credit market information distortion, credit, credit institutions, inpidual faithless disloyal credit supervision failure etc., this directly leads to the problem of non-performing loans, a series of social credit corruption, social credit system problems such as system security vulnerability, and ultimately jeopardize the banking industry. The moral risk of commercial bank credit has become one of the major risks of commercial banks, it not only affects the development of the credit business of commercial banks, and will have a negative effect on society as a whole. In this paper, from the impact of the formation of the commercial bank credit moral hazard perspective, puts forward the prevention measures of the risk.
Keyword :moral risk; banking; credit operations
目    录
摘  要.
原本根植于保险市场的道德风险的研究,随着现代经济活动的日常复杂性,不再局限于原来的领域,2007年美国次贷危机再次让“道德风险”风靡全球。基于次贷危机以及一系列的金融连锁反应引发的对中国金融部门的后续研究,特别是针对银行业存在的风险。着重分析我国银行业的信贷状况,并提出建议和解决方案:银行业要提高分析宏观经济的能力,创新金融工具,设计科学的信贷产品,不要盲目扩大业务,一套完整的风险预警机制应当尽快设立起来,防止爆发风险和危机。因此,在一方面,需要有效利用外部控制,道德调节的各种手段应该发挥出来。抓监督环节,提高信贷控制制度,完善信贷人员职业道德的管理是关键,通过道德立法,制定伦理立法,加强监管职业道德,和其他方式,使一个伦理和道德的主题逐渐好转,形成了一个负责任的道德决策行为;在另一方面,各种内部工具需要得到充分的利用,发挥职业培训的公共情感,道德影响力,整合,重视内部控制模式的个性塑造,通过银行道德文化建设、职业道德建设、行业文化氛围营造等形式创建积极的引导,成为自我管理,自我约束,自我发展的道德人。最后,应该指出的是,从系统的角度开始,使内部控制和外部控制之间的相互平衡和协调保持下来,使得每一个因素可以融会贯通,形成最大的合力,从而在最终无形地消化信贷道德风险。近年来,在相对较高的不良贷款率增长的中国的商业银行贷款,以及我们自己不完美的商业银行经营管理和市场机制存在诸多缺陷,商业银行的信用风险状况不宜乐观。因此,信用风险分析是有意义的。由于信贷道德风险在信贷风险中是非常重要的。因此,商业银行信贷道德风险的分析,对防范商业银行的信贷风险具有重要意义。 中国银行业信贷道德风险问题研究:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_39981.html