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时间:2019-09-11 20:25来源:毕业论文

Abstract:The importance of the real estate industry is reflected in the house as a commodity with a huge amount of value, once the sale is basically lifetime use, so for most of the general population in terms of housing is particularly important. Meanwhile, the real estate industry and other commodity markets has a very high correlation, real estate vibrations can have an impact on the whole industry. In this case, so our understanding of the real estate is too mysterious. Ultimately, the real estate market is one of many ordinary commodity markets.
In this paper, starting from the essential characteristics of real estate, through research Yancheng commodity market, supply and demand, and to analyze its future trends. The real estate market operation rules in line with general market operation rules, so let it return to its range of value price, it is necessary to protect the real estate market supply and demand balance. In this paper, the key point of view, provide practical advice for the real estate market supply and demand balance.
Keywords:Yancheng City; real estate; status; research;
目  录
1绪论    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.2研究意义    1
2 盐城市房地产市场发展现状    1
2.1盐城市区位及经济发展    1
2.2盐城房地产市场运行情况    3
2.3盐城市房地产市场运行特征    3
2.3.1房地产开发投资增长较快,增速放缓    3
2.3.2商品房待售面积显著攀升    3
2.3.3市场销售出现回落    4
2.3.4房价继续保持平稳    5
3 盐城市房地产市场运行中存在的主要问题    5
3.1房地产市场不够成熟,还处于“量”的扩张上    5
3.2房地产市场总体“供大于求”,去库存压力不减    5
4 下阶段盐城市房地产市场走势分析    6
4.1近期房价将有小幅上涨    6
4.2长期来看,商品房供需将保持平衡房地产市场仍将保持平稳运行    7
4.3房价增幅放缓,居民购房压力有所缓解    7
5 新态势下盐城市房地产市场调控与建议    8
5.1供给方面    9
5.2需求方面    9
参考文献:    10
我国国民经济中的重要一环就是房地产业,它能起到先导和支柱作用。通过它,能直接或间接地影响其前后相关联产业的发展。国民经济的平稳发展依赖于健康稳定的房地产市场。国家从1998年起,相继撤销了福利分房制,执行了住房公积金政策、健全了银行住宅抵押贷款政策。随着国民经济的快速发展,居民收入也持续增长,房地产市场迎来了良好的发展机遇[1]。 盐城市房地产市场运行的新态势及其调控:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_39179.html