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时间:2019-06-23 21:59来源:毕业论文

Analysis Of the New Trend of Shanghai Modern International Logistics Development -- Taking Pacific Star Express (China) Co., Ltd. as an example
Abstract:With the deepening of economic globalization, the expansion of world economy and the expansion of trade liberalization, and the rapid progress of technology, it provides a more convenient and quick trading platform for Global trade... As a medium industry, the international logistics industry is also facing opportunities and challenges in Shanghai, with its unique geographical location, as the economic center of China, with the more liberal policy supports, wants to move towards the international, to toward the development of an international economic, financial, trade and shipping center, we must accelerate the development of international logistics industry. However, in recent years, the global economic situation is becoming more and more complex, the logistics industry in Shanghai only for the new period of the new trend, takes the appropriate strategy, to get long-term development, So as to get the inspiration and reference for China's logistics industry.
Key Words:shanghai;international logistics;new trend
目  录
绪论    1
一、国际物流行业的概述    2
(一)国际物流行业的涵义    2
(二)国际物流行业的发展历史    2
(三)国际物流行业的基本特点    3
1、国际性    3
2、复杂性    3
3、风险性    4
4、管制性    4
5、技术性    4
二、上海国际物流行业发展概述    5
(一)上海国际物流业发展概况    5
1、上海发展国际物流业的基础条件好    5
2、上海国际物流业规模领先    6
(二)上海国际物流业发展中存在的问题    8
1、上海现代物流业的整合现状存在“三分三不”问题    8
2、没有形成有利于现代物流业发展的政策法规环境    9
3、与国际接轨的物流标准化体系尚未建立起来    9
4、物流基础设施建设不够完善    9
5、长三角物流区域合作需要进一步加强    10
6、专业化物流服务跟不上上海经济发展的需要    10
7、国内物流企业尚不具备规模化竞争优势    10
8、物流企业的信息化程度低    10
9、物流人才缺乏    11
三、上海国际物流行业发展面临新的外部形势    12
(一)上海国际物流业发展中面临的外部挑战    12
1、全球政治动荡    12
2、国际经济低迷    12
(二)上海国际物流业发展中的机遇    12
1、国家新的对外开放格局    12
2、网络经济的发展    13 上海当代国际物流发展新趋势分析:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_35116.html