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时间:2018-07-11 20:53来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:土地经营方式 规模化生产 精耕细作 农户经济效益
The research of the relationship between the land management
mode and the farmer’s economic benefits-based on the CHNS
Student majoring in Jin Shanbao Experimental Class   Name Wang Yichen
Tutor   He Jun
Abstract:Since the household contract responsibility system has been put into force in our country, the agriculture get faster development. However, with the mushroom growth of secondary and tertiary industry and the gradual release of the reform pidend, many problems has been appeared in the agricultural production, such as difficulties in increasing farmers’ income and abandoned farmland. The imminent problem is how to promote the sound development of the agricultural production. This article begins with the farmers’ self will, then pide the land management mode into intensive farming and large-scale farming. Using the survey data from the CNHS in our country, this article studies the relationship between the land management mode and the farmers’ economic interest. Finally, on the basis of conclusion and the fact of our country, this article offers certain advices on economical policy.
Key words: Land management way; The scale cultivation; The economic benefits of rural household; The intensive cultivation
目  录
摘要    1
关键词    1
Abstract.    1
Keywords    1
一、引言    1
二、文献综述与理论分析    2
(一)相关概念    2
(二)农户土地经营方式    3
(三)农户土地面积与农户经济效益    3
三、模型构建    4
(一)数据来源    4
(二)变量描述性分析    5
(三)实证分析模型    5
(四)模型回归结果    6
四、总结与政策建议    7
致谢    9
参考文献:    9
农业是一个国家国民经济的基础。我国农业具有悠久的历史发展过程。从封建时期的租佃制发展到社会主义探索时期开始的人民公社制度,再发展到社会主义时期实施的家庭联产承包责任制,经历了几次不同的农业生产制度的发展与变革。在家庭联产承包责任制的时期,我国农业基本为小规模经营,在土地经营方式上依然是精耕细作为主要模式。在改革初期,因为家庭联产承包责任制大大提高了农民的生产积极性,从而提高了生产效率,因此出现了农村劳动力剩余。1989年起,我国的农村劳动力流动政策的限制放宽松许多,农村劳动力大量向非农就业岗位流动。随着农村劳动力不断的转移,劳动力和土地之间开始出现失衡情况。为了减缓这种不正常的失衡现象,我国在农业生产中逐步增加了机械化投入,加快了土地承包经营权的流转速度,我国农业生产进入了精耕细作为特点的小规模农业和规模化经营为特点的大规模农业相结合的时期。 农户土地经营方式与农户经济效益的研究:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_19502.html