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时间:2018-04-25 21:30来源:毕业论文

关键词  民间资本  养老体系  民办养老院  
Title    A Study of the Problems and Countermeasures of
 Private Captial Investment and Societal Elderly Care                                                
Due to the trend of China’s aging population, societal elderly care is becoming a big puzzle. Government cannot provide a full range of social services for the elderly. Therefore, government and society is appealing to private capital to provide social services for the elderly. As idle invest capital that was characterized by dispersibility and gigantic amounts of accumulations, private capital  had participated in societal elderly care system taking advantage of running private nursing homes in the past of period time. But that was inefficient and the bottle-neck issue that we should face. On the basis of current situation of private capital and social elderly care system, this thesis analyzes the necessity and possibility that private capital get involved the social elderly care system combining with theories and national policy. Meanwhile, using cases interview in private nursing homes and after deeply analysis of the problems and reasons of private capital get involved the social elderly care system, the writer also put forward the related solutions in the end of the thesis.
Keywords  private capital  societal elderly care system  private welfare institution for age
目  次
    1  绪论    1
1. 1 研究背景与意义    1
1. 2 主要研究方法    4
1. 3 主要研究框架    5
2 相关概念及理论分析    6
2. 1 民间资本的概念分析    6
2. 2 民间资本进入养老体系的应然性分析    8
3 民办养老院的现状及民间资本进入社会养老体系的方式分析    11
3. 1 民办养老院个案研究的实证分析    11
3. 2 民间资本进入社会养老体系的方式    13
4 民间资本进入社会养老体系存在的问题及原因分析    16
4. 1 民间资本进入社会养老体系存在的问题    16
4. 2 民间资本进入社会养老体系存在问题的原因    17
5 推动和规范民间资本进入社会体系的建议    19
5. 1 完善政府角色    19
5. 2 改变民营机构的角色    21
5. 3 社会的支持    22
结论    23
致谢    24
参考文献    25
附录一:个案访谈之厦门市爱欣老年公寓    28
附录二:个案访谈之泉州市石狮市慈爱老人福利院    32
1 绪论
人口老龄化的加速是世界上不少国家正面临的严峻考验。在中国,老龄化的形势也日益严重,人口速增、养老模式转变,问题和矛盾激化,政府政策制定与财政投入的应对措施解决力不够。在此背景下,民间资本进入养老体系的呼声越来越高。2012年民政部颁发了《关于鼓励和引导民间资本进入养老服务领域的实施意见》,各级政府也积极地响应,出台各项政策支持与鼓励民间资本进入社会养老体系,呼吁更多的民间资本进入社会养老服务体系,弥补仅靠政府单一主体提供社会养老服务存在的问题。因此,民间资本如何把握机会进入养老体系实施有生命力的投资,又将如何克服自身和外界的局限性,带来新的养老体系的改变等问题成了重要的研究课题。 民间资本进入社会养老体系存在的问题及对策研究:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_14228.html