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时间:2017-06-17 15:56来源:毕业论文

Competition and Cooperation:An Analysis of Behaviors of Teaching in     the Primary School
Abstract:In the teaching, competition and cooperation are the chief attributes among the students.With the society developing, there are more and more ways of studying ,but the bad aspect of competition appears gradually in the teaching. So some people transform their aims into the cooperation. This article with the help of the observation method and literature research method to research the competition and cooperation in the primary school.And this article concludes that under the condition of the reformation of classes the cooperation is more suitable than the competition.This article has many advantages.For example, on the one hand, this research contributes to promote the students’ understanding of competition and cooperation so that helping them to choose the suitable ways.On the other hand, this article is good for promoting the class reformation and helping teachers to hold the classes and students.
Keywords: competition; cooperation; the primary school; teaching; an analysis of behaviors
  目 录
摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、课堂教学中的竞争及其重要性    1
(一)课堂教学中的竞争行为    1
(二)课堂教学中竞争行为的重要性    2
二、 小学课堂教学中竞争行为的具体体现、危害及其原因分析    3
(一)小学课堂教学中竞争行为的具体体现    3
(二)小学课堂教学中竞争的危害及其原因分析    4
三、走向合作:化解小学课堂教学竞争危害的具体措施    6
(一)课堂教学中的合作学习    6
五、结论    8
参考文献    9
致谢    9
《现代汉语词典》对“竞争”一词的详细解释分三层来讲:一是指个人或团体,为达到某种目标,努力争取其所需求的对象而言。二是互相争胜。语出《庄子•齐物论》:“有竟有争。”郭象注:“并逐曰竟,对辩曰争。”都是互相争胜的解释。三是特指商品生产者为争取有利的产销条件而进行的相互斗争。从社会学角度来讲,竞争是两个或两个以上的个人或群体在某项活动中力争胜过对方的行为。本文讨论的是课堂教学中的竞争行为。但是,什么是课堂教学中的竞争行为?如何理解课堂教学中的竞争行为?目前,国内有研究者曾指出:“课堂教学中的竞争行为是指学生之间在课堂教学过程中为达到某种目的而展开的一种较量。从竞争主体的构成来看,课堂教学中的竞争可以分为学生个体与学生个体之间的竞争,学生个体与学生群体之间的竞争,学生群体与学生群体之间的竞争。”[1] 竞争与合作小学课堂教学中的行为分析:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_9309.html