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时间:2017-05-20 10:38来源:毕业论文

Study on the relationships between different gender students’ achievement motivation and parental rearing pattern
Abstract :Objective to study the relationship between College Students' achievement motivation and parenting style, and to compare the different sex of university students in the same kind of education mode or whether there are differences in achievement motivation. Methods the achievement motivation questionnaire (AMS), parenting style questionnaire (EMBU) on 210 college students in Henan province were surveyed. Results of the father and mother’s rearing style warmth factor and male and female students to pursue success motivation have significant positive correlation. Severe punishment fathers are over interference, preference, denial and male and female college students to avoid failure motivation had significant positive correlation. The mother’s denial, punishment eyes, favoritism and female college students to avoid failure motivation had significant positive correlation with male college students; motivation of avoiding failure correlation did not reach significant level. Conclusion both male and female students, the warm good parenting styles are predicted higher on achievement motivation can decrease. Mother’s improper rearing significantly reduced female college students’ motivation of avoiding failure, and the relationship between male college students to avoid failure motivation did not reach significant level.
Key words:Achievement Motivation;Parental Rearing Styles;Different Gender;College Students
目  录

摘要    1
Abstract    1
引  言    2
1研究设计    3
1.1研究对象    3
1.2研究工具    3
1.3研究过程    4
2调查结果    4
2.1男性大学生成就动机与父母教养方式的相关统计结果    4
2.2女性大学生成就动机与父母教养方式的相关统计结果    5
2.3男女不同性别大学生成就动机与父母教养方式的关系的比较结果    5
3分析讨论    5
3.1男性大学生成就动机与父母教养方式的相关关系分析    5
3.2 女性大学生成就动机与父母教养方式的相关关系分析    6
3.3男性、女性大学生成就动机与父母教养方式的相关关系的对比分析    8
4结论    9
参考文献    10
附录I    11
附录II    12
致谢    17
引  言
成就动机是一种很重要的社会动机,指的是个体追求自认为重要的有价值的工作,并使之达到完美状态的动机,即一种以高标准要求自己力求取得活动成功为目标的动机,是一个人所具有的试图追求和达到目标的驱力。关于成就动机与社会化尤其是家庭教养方式的关系,麦克利兰曾进行过研究,他发现:儿童成就动机较低的文化和家庭,总是着重发展儿童的依赖性,给予儿童更多的管束和限制。麦克利兰和温特伯托姆认为,独立性训练有助于成就动机的发展,依赖性训练对成就动机发展不利。最早提出成就需要的是心理学家默里,他认为,成就动机是知自己认为重要的、有价值的事情乐意去做,并努力达到完美的一种内部推动力量[1]。成就动机较高的的个体偏向于希望完成某种困难的任务,具有掌握或管理客观事物的意向,希望能够迅速地独立地完成工作,可以努力克服困难,达到更高的标准。 不同性别大学生成就动机与父母教养方式的关系研究:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_7426.html