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时间:2021-01-26 21:45来源:毕业论文



Abstract:Guideline and Kindergarten Education Program Guidelines (for Trial Implementation) clearly pointed out:“In the common life and activities, in a variety of ways to guide children's knowledge, experience and understand the basic rules of  training strategiessocial behavior, learning self-discipline and respecting for others.”The indirect calls for teachers and parents to attach importance to self control that is about the important influence to the children's physical and mental and social development, understand the establishment of the children's healthy personality is dependent on the cultivation of children's self-control.Early childhood is the critical period of children's self-control development, we should firmly cling to this period.This article to the related research results, the concept of self control and influence factors, and focuses on the development of children's self-control of age, gender and the cultivation of the phased characteristics and puts forward relevant strategies.

Keywords:young children,self control,the characteristics of development,training strategies

1 前言3

2 幼儿自我控制的基本概述3

2.1 幼儿自我控制的概念3

2.2 自我控制的维度4

3 幼儿自我控制的发展特点4

3.1 幼儿自我控制发展的年龄特点4

3.2 幼儿自我控制发展的性别特点5

3.3 幼儿自我控制发展的阶段性特点6

4 幼儿自我控制的影响因素6

4.1 幼儿自我控制的生理影响因素6

4.2 幼儿自我控制的心理影响因素7

4.3 幼儿自我控制的环境影响因素7

5 幼儿自我控制发展的培养策略7

5.1 注重奠定幼儿自我控制发展的物质基础8

5.2 为幼儿创设主动选择和自主解决问题的机会8

5.3 鼓励幼儿多参与规则性的情境游戏活动8

5.4 训练幼儿有意转移注意力提高其自我延迟满足9

5.5 注重对幼儿日常行为的观察,培养幼儿良好的行为习惯9

5.6 家园合作,提高幼儿自我抑制能力9

结 论11


致 谢13

1 前言

幼儿的自我控制能力是幼儿心理能动性的表现,自我控制是一种综合能力,这种能力通过个体自觉选择目标,为实现这一目标而抑制自己的冲动,抵住诱惑,学会自我延迟满足,从而控制及调节自己的行为,从而实现目标而体现出来。“少子化现象”的出现,使得在幼儿培养的过程中存在的“过度保护”和“过度干涉”问题越来越严重,这在一定程度上破坏幼儿健全人格的建立,削弱了幼儿的自我意识,从而极大的阻碍了幼儿自我控制能力的发展。这一问题已受到世界很多国家重视,例如我国在《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》中提出的“学会自律”,日本在其《幼儿园教育要领》中提出“自律”,美国亚利桑那州的《3~5岁儿童早期学习标准》中明确提出“自我控制”,等等。近些年对幼儿自我控制的研究量也在迅速增长,特别对其研究方法、结构与类型、特点、影响因素等的研究增多。 幼儿自我控制的发展特点及培养策略研究:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_69008.html
