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时间:2020-10-28 17:08来源:毕业论文

摘 要:越来越多的男性进入幼教行业壮大了幼儿教师队伍,但是他们的生存困境却在一定程度上制约着他们的发展,甚至引起男教师流失现象,这些问题必须引起各界的关注。本文首先介绍了男性幼儿教师:男性幼儿教师的定义;男性幼儿教师的重要性;男性幼儿教师与女性幼儿教师的区别;男性幼儿教师的特点,帮助读者更好的认识男性幼儿教师。接着对男性幼儿教师的生存困境进行分析,进而引出男性幼儿教师的流失现象。最后从幼儿园角度分析如何留住并且培养新入职男性幼儿教师:正确认识和任用男教师;提高男教师的薪资待遇;创设男教师群体性生存环境;建立“新入职男教师导师制”;帮助男教师做好职业规划。58859


Abstract:More and more men into preschool education industry and growth of preschool teachers, but their survival plight but in a certain extent restricts their development, and even cause male teachers' turnover phenomenon. These problems must be aroused attention.This paper first introduces the male preschool teachers:the definition of male preschool teachers; the importance of male preschool teachers; the difference between male teachers and female teachers; the characteristics of male preschool teachers, to help readers better understanding of male preschool teachers.Then analyze the survival dilemma of male preschool teachers, which leads to the loss of male preschool teachers. Finally, from the analysis of the kindergarten how to retain and cultivate new recruits of male preschool teachers: correct understanding and appointment of male teachers; improve male teachers salary; the creation of male teachers group living environment; the establishment of "new recruits of male teachers tutor system"; help male teachers do career planning.

Keywords:male kindergarten teacher,drain phenomenon,foster 

1  引 言 3

2  认识幼儿园男教师 3

2.1  概念界定 3

2.2  幼儿人格健康、和谐发展需要男教师 3

2.3  幼儿园发展需要男教师 3

2.4  男性教师有别于女性教师 4

3  男教师生存困境 4

3.1  工作困境 4

3.2  生活困境 5

3.3  心理困境 5

3.4  幼儿园男教师流失现象 6

4  幼儿园应对新入职男教师的培养策略 7

4.1  正确认识和任用男教师 7

4.2  提高男教师的薪资待遇 7

4.3  创设男教师群体性生存环境 8

4.4  建立“新入职男教师导师制” 8

4.5  帮助男教师做好职业规划 8

结论 10

参考文献 11

 1  引 言

    随着公众对学前教育认识的深入、学前教育改革的推进、《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》《国务院关于当前发展学前教育的若干意见》等国家性指导文件和地方性政策法规的出台使得学前教育的前景变得更加的广阔,有更大发展的空间。在这一大好背景下,越来越多的男性加入幼儿教育行业,壮大了幼儿教师队伍。笔者能够查到的权威的数据为2009年男性专任教师为19536人[ ],2010年为23389人[ ],2011年为32112人[ ]。他们打破传统思想的固有偏见,加入幼儿教师的行列,成为了幼儿教育领域里的一道独特风景线。但是现实中,男教师却也遇到了工作、生活、心理等方面的困境,制约着他们的发展。幼儿园作为男教师工作与学习的首要场所,对男教师的影响是最大的,那么幼儿园管理者采取哪些措施能够帮助男教师解决他们遇到的问题呢,本文将就这一问题进行阐述。源:自;751'-论.文,网·www.751com.cn/ 幼儿园对新入职男教师的培养:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_63867.html
