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时间:2020-10-24 21:56来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:  多元文化    小学教师      幸福感

Introduction to primary school teachers' happiness in multiple values 

——Take Shuyang Guangzhou Road Elementary school for an example

Abstract:It is generally accepted that a primary teacher should be very happy. Through the Investigation of shuyang guangzhou road experiment primary school teachers, the survey found that there is widespread lack of happiness among primary school teachers. Major influential factors of elementary school teachers' happiness are wages, social acceptance, working environment and some factors of teachers themselves. We should from the internal and external two aspects promote the well-being of the primary school teachers, the former including let oneself be full of positive energy, know that happiness is to enjoy the process and understand the difference in their different lives, with the heart of the "benevolence", try to improve yourself and to share pressure; The latter including to improve teachers' pay and social status, to create harmonious working environment, to reform the teaching evaluation system and school also should provide opportunities for the development of teachers. 

Keywords:   Multicultural    primary school teachers     happiness



1.1  选题的背景  3

1.2  核心问题的界定  3

1.2.1 幸福与幸福感  3

1.2.2 小学教师幸福感  4

1.3  研究的意义  4

1.3.1 理论意义4

1.3.2 实践意义  4

2 文献综述5

2.1 国外关于小学教师幸福感的研究 5

2.2 国内关于小学教师幸福感的研究 5

3 研究方法6

3.1 文献法 6

3.2 调查法 6

3.2.1 问卷设计6

3.2.2 问卷调查的实施6

3.2.3 问卷数据的分析6

4 影响小学教师幸福感因素分析7

5 提升小学教师幸福感的途径9


5.2 内部调节 10

6 本项研究的不足之处10

7 参考文献  12


1 导论:

1.1 选题的背景


教育以人的幸福为根本目的。教育的幸福应该包括学生的幸福和教师的幸福。其中,教师的幸福又要起主导作用。教师是学生幸福人生的创造者,只有教师“幸福地教”,才有学生“ 幸福地学”[2]。幸福是人生的主题,只有感到幸福的人,他的人生才是快乐和阳光的。教师幸福感是教师职业生活的重要内容,也是衡量其工作生活质量的重要指标。关注和了解教师的幸福感,不仅有利于教师自身的发展和生命质量的提高、学生的健康成长发展,而且有利于整个教育质量的提高及和谐社会目标的最终实现。 多元价值观下小学教师幸福感:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_63659.html
