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时间:2020-06-03 17:30来源:毕业论文



The Problems and Suggestions to Classroom Assessment Language of Chinese Teachers in Primary Schools

Abstract:The evaluation language of teachers is an immediate oral language for the students' learning behavior and other activities in the teachers’ teaching process.  It act an important role in guiding motivation for students to learn and grow. Combine the study on current situation for classroom assessment language of Chinese teachers in primary schools, through literature review, combined with the observation of teaching practice in the language classroom to classroom teachers and interviews, on the basis of classroom assessment is given of the concept of language, we discover there are problems in the language of classroom assessment in primary: single and random, a mere formality, exaggerated and inaccurate.So I propose three suggestions at three aspects for improvement from the concept,witch teachers should establish,developmental assessment in classroom、understanding the nature of the language of assessment in classroom、to master the strategies using.

Keywords: Chinese in primary schools;Classroom assessment language;the concept of assessment

目  录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、教师课堂评价语的内涵 2

二、小学语文教师课堂评价语存在的问题 3

(一)单一随意 4

(二)流于形式 4

(三)浮夸不准确 5

三、小学语文课堂评价语的有效改进建议 6

(一)树立发展性课堂评价理念 6

(二)正确理解教师课堂评价语的本质 7

(三)掌握课堂评价语的运用策略 8

参考文献 10

附录Ⅰ 11

附录Ⅱ 12

致谢 13 


课堂评价语是教师使用教学语言的重要组成部分,它影响着学生对自身学习水平和学习状况的基本判断,也会促进教师对课堂教学的反思。语文课堂评价语是一种习惯的、及时的评价语,语文教师运用科学、合理、有效的课堂评价语,会对教师课堂教学的效果以及学生的学习兴趣和学习动力产生积极的影响。《义务教育语文课程标准(2011年版)》在评价建议部分明确指出:“语文课程评价的根本目的只有两个,那就是为了促进学生的学习,改善教师的教学。语文课程评价应准确反映学生的学习水平和学习状况,全面落实语文课程目标。”[1]然而,教学实践中语文课堂评价语并没有充分发挥其作用,应从课堂中使用最多的课堂评价语作为切入点进行研究。本文对知网上13篇论文进行梳理,在教育实习对11节小学语文课堂进行观察记录,并对3名小学语文教师进行访谈,以对11节小学语文教师课堂评价语问题作出详细研究,以期为小学语文教师课堂评价语提供有益的参考。 小学语文教师课堂评价语问题及改进建议:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_53621.html
