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时间:2020-06-01 22:02来源:毕业论文



The Study of Disciplinary Violations and  Management Strategies in

 Primary School Classroom

Abstract: The effectiveness of classroom management has a very strong correlation with rigorous discipline, and considerable discipline is the guarantee of classroom activities go smoothly. The power of effective Classroom Management cannot be denied in ensuring the quality of teaching, improving the student's autonomous learning ability and learning quality, ensuring classroom instruction goes smoothly. Especially in the primary school classroom, being younger and active, the children are easily distracted and lack the ability of self-control, all of the above result in their regular disciplinary behaviors in the classroom. This paper study on the types, causes and strategies of discipline behaviors in primary school classroom, which from the instructional design of teachers, establish classroom rules, construct the favorable environment, behavior-modification and any other aspects to explore the issue that how to handle discipline behaviors in primary school classroom effectively.

Keywords: primary school classroom; classroom discipline; discipline behavior; management strategy 

目 录


摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、课堂违纪行为的概念 2

二、小学课堂违纪行为的表现 2

(一)轻度违纪行为表现 3

(二)中度违纪行为表现 3

(三)重度违纪行为表现 4

三、小学课堂违纪行为产生的原因 4

(一)教师方面的因素 4

(二)学生方面的因素 5

(三)课堂环境方面的因素 6

四、小学课堂违纪行为的有效处理策略 7

(一)一般课堂管理策略 7

(二)行为矫正策略 8

参考文献 10

附录 11

致谢 12 



小学生自控能力差,注意力很容易分散,易发生违纪行为。[1]如果教师在课堂教学活动中,课堂管理、处理学生违纪行为时方法不得当,可能会导致学生有抵触情绪等,如果老师时间把握不好,不仅教学任务完成不了,而且会使得学生降低学习兴趣。学生在课堂上的违纪行为可能是在诸多教学问题中,最令人头痛的部分,而小学课堂中的违纪行为在所难免。所以,教师一定要掌握违纪行为发生的原因、处理的策略,才能有效的消除违纪行为。通过大三的见习,大四的实习,笔者发现小学课堂上纪律很差,老师得不停的维持纪律,课堂有各种违纪行为,课上老师得不停的提醒、处理,课下找学生谈心等,这样的课堂纪律着实让老师头疼。对此,笔者对课堂纪律的违纪现象、违纪原因及对策进行了相应的分析。 小学生课堂违纪行为及管理策略研究:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_53535.html
