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时间:2020-05-27 20:22来源:毕业论文



Existing Problems and Improvement of Teacher-student Interaction in Rural Primary School

——The Elementary School of Weiqiao, Huaiyang

Abstract: With the further deeping reform of basic education, teacher-student interaction becomes the focus of educators. In order to understand the current situation of rural primary school teacher-student interaction, it found that the main interaction between teachers and students in rural primary school had three problems using literature and classroom observation. The three problems are as followings:teacher-student interaction is too formal; opportunities for students to participate in teacher-student are not fair; teachers’ questions are too mechanically simple in classroom teaching, it results that the students’ interest is not high. Based on these questions, it puts forward some suggestions to promote the interaction between teachers and students from the effecting factors between teachers and students, it hopes to provide the theoretical basis support about the interaction between teachers and students for teachers.

Keywords: Rural; Primary School; Teacher-student Interaction

目  录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、师生互动的概念及重要性 2

(一)师生互动的概念 2

(二)师生互动的重要性 3

二、农村小学课堂师生互动存在的问题 3

(一)师生互动过于形式化 3

(二)学生参与互动的机会不平等 5

(三)教师提出的问题机械简单,学生学习兴趣不高 6

三、农村小学课堂师生互动的改进策略 7

(一)提高教师对师生互动的认识 7

(二)重视学生主体地位,给予学生均等机会参与师生互动 8

(三)巧妙设计问题,激发学生学习兴趣 9

参考文献 10

附录Ⅰ 11

附录Ⅱ 12

附录Ⅲ 13

致谢 14


 随着新课程改革的实施,要求教师必须重视课堂,通过课堂的有效师生互动实现课堂的创新。在教学过程中,做到尊重学生个体的差异,与学生进行积极互动,以谋求共同发展。这种师生互动的教学模式充分体现了一种现代教学理念,打破了教师头脑中原有的传统观念,改变了传统的“满堂灌”、“老师讲学生听”的教学模式,让学生在课堂上能够积极动脑思考,与老师共同探讨问题并进行更加深入的思考。 农村小学课堂师生互动存在的问题及改进策略:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_52978.html
