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时间:2017-04-17 22:30来源:毕业论文

摘  要:随着中国“走出去”战略的实施,我国海外投资的范围和流量逐年递增。资源型央企作为海外投资的龙头,对国内资源市场的供给承担着主要责任。但是由于我国海外投资尚处初级阶段,政策法规、项目审批、管理决策、风险评估等内在因素和东道国的政治压力、舆论导向和利益权衡等外在因素,致使我国资源型央企海外投资频频失败,铩羽而归。因此,通过分析我国资源型央企海外投资的失败原因,并结合中铝集团案例找出对策,为接下来的海外征程提供有益借鉴。7325
The Resource-based State-owned Enterprises Overseas Investment Analysis in Our Country
         -----The Example of Aluminum Corporation of China
Abstract: As the strategy of "going out" began to be carried out, the scope and flow of China's overseas investment are increasing year by year. Resource-based state-owned enterprises, as the head of the overseas investment, undertake the main responsibility of the supply for the domestic resource market. But the overseas investment is still at primary stage in our country, Policies and regulations, project examination, management and decision making, risk assessment and other internal factors, the political pressure of host country, public opinion direction and the balance of benefit and other external factors lead to frequent failures of the resource-based state-owned enterprises in our country overseas investment. Therefore, through analyzing the causes of failure of the state-owned enterprises overseas investment. and combining it with the case of Aluminum Corporation, we could find out the countermeasures and provide beneficial reference to the next journey overseas.
Key Words: State-owned enterprises; Overseas investment; Investment of aluminum corporation; Resources acquisition
目    录

摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、资源型央企海外投资概述    2
(一)我国资源型央企海外投资概念    2
(二)我国资源型央企海外投资现状    3
二、阻碍我国资源型央企海外投资成功因素分析    7
(一)阻碍我国资源型央企海外投资成功的外部因素    7
(二)阻碍我国资源型央企海外投资成功的内部因素    8
三、以中铝集团为例分析我国资源型央企海外投资失败原因    10
(一)中铝投资力拓的背景及历程    10
(二)中铝投资力拓的动机    11
(三)中铝投资力拓的失败原因分析    12
四、提高我国资源型央企海外投资效率的建议    14
(一)国际问题方面的建议    14
(二)国内问题方面的建议    15
参考文献    17
致谢    18
我国资源型央企海外投资分析        ——以中铝集团为例
经济全球化和我国资源匮乏的双重背景下,我国央企海外资源投资步伐不断加快,在开拓海外市场,合理配置资源和摆脱资源国对价格的控制等方面不懈努力。近年来,资源型央企海外投资额和资源、能源、矿产类的投资项目不断增多,我国政府的海外投资政策、法规不断完善。但是,却只有约三成资源型央企在海外投资中取得成功,低成功率与我国对资源型央企海外投资所给予的各项政策支持的期望值不相符,同时也使海外投资存在的问题凸显。我国资源项目投资正处于由萌芽走向成熟的过渡时期,资源型央企的投资水平和投资成功率直接影响到我国资源型央企投资的可持续性发展。所以,如何让资源型央企海外投资走向成功显得至关重要。在此情况下,找到我国资源型央企海外投资失误原因,找出提高成功率的对策,是十分有益的。 中铝集团我国资源型央企海外投资分析:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_5228.html