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时间:2020-04-12 16:37来源:毕业论文



Based on the junior middle school thought moral character teachers professional quality as the main research object, aimed at ecological orientation as the new sphere of teacher professional development, through the analysis of previous literature, comparative analysis and other methods of research at home and abroad to delve into, trying to junior middle school thought moral character of teachers professional quality promotion strategy to provide the reference, in order to improve the professional quality of teachers of junior middle school thought moral at present. Ecological orientation as the main perspective of promoting teachers' professional development, the rational orientation, practice is the ever - a perfect and supplement of reflection orientation and ecological orientation of teacher professional development presents the autonomy, symbiotic, openness and the characteristics of practicality, and to realize the teacher the mutualism in the open environment, to achieve the harmony of self-value and social value.

毕业论文关键词:生态取向; 教师专业素质; 初中思想品德课; 教师专业发展; 特点

Keywords: Ecological orientation; Teachers' professional quality; Junior middle school thought moral; Teacher professional development; Characteristics 

目  录

一、 绪论 4

(一) 问题的提出及研究意义 4

(二) 本课题研究现状综述 5

1. 关于生态取向的内涵研究 5

2. 关于教师专业素质内涵的研究 5

3. 关于生态取向下教师专业发展策略的研究 6

4. 初中思想品德教师专业素质提升的策略探究 7

(三)本论文的主要内容及研究方法 7

1. 主要内容 7

2. 主要研究方法 8

二、 生态取向与初中思想品德教师专业素质的关联 8

(一) 从生态取向的角度分析两者的关系 8

(二) 从思想品德课教师专业素质的角度分析两者的关联 9

三、 思想品德教师专业素质提升的现状分析 9

(一) 思想品德教师专业素质提升过程中存在的问题 9

1. 过度重视传统专业知识,忽视新形势对专业素质的新要求 9

2. 专业发展方式单调,自我规划意识欠缺 10

3. 忽视教学资源的开发,实践教学能力薄弱 10

(二) 思想品德教师专业素质提升存在问题的原因分析 11

1. 教育理念落后,贯彻落实不到位 生态取向视阈下思想品德教师专业素质提升的策略探究:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_49868.html
