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时间:2020-03-23 20:40来源:毕业论文



The Manifestations, Causes and Countermeasures of Pupil’s Bad Study Habit

Abstract: In the teaching of contemporary education, study habits become more and more important to pupils’ learning effect, and they directly influence pupils’ study and healthy growth. Through observation and interview, this paper finds that there are many problems in the pupils’ study habits. They don’t pay attention to the book when teacher is teaching in the class, except they don’t like to make notes; when they are reading, they just glance at the words without drawing or feeling the sentences so that they read fast; they are too lazy to think when they do homework, and they prefer to rely on the answer; they are used to pushing back their study plans again and again. The main reasons include the following aspects: pupils’ poor self-control and lack of self-discipline, parents’ busy work and neglect of children’s learning supervision, teachers’ contempt for process and neglect of developing children’s study habits. To form pupils’ good study habits, we need to cultivate students’ learning interest and improve students’ desire for knowledge; we need to strengthen the students’ attention exercise and make clear study plans for them; we need to be good at finding bad study habits and correct the bad habits in time.

Keywords: Pupil; Study habit; Learning interest

目  录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、学习习惯的内涵及其重要性 2

(一)学习习惯的内涵 2

(二)学习习惯的重要性 2

二、小学生不良学习习惯的表现 3

(一)上课犹如听天书,不做笔记不走心 3

(二)阅读一目十行,不画句子不感悟 4

(三)作业懒于动脑,过于依赖答案 5

(四)学习拖延症,明日复明日 6

三、小学生不良学习习惯形成的原因 6

(一)学生自制力差,缺乏自我约束 6

(二)家长忙于工作,疏于对孩子的学习监督 7

(三)教师重结果轻过程,忽视学习习惯培养 8

四、纠正小学生不良学习习惯的对策 10

(一)培养学习的兴趣,提高自我求知欲 10

(二)加强注意力训练,制定明确学习规划 11

(三)善于发现不良学习习惯,及时纠正坏习惯 小学生不良学习习惯的表现形成原因及对策:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_48782.html
