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时间:2019-08-27 12:51来源:毕业论文

Zhoukou city S kindergarten status quo survey on the implementation of a small finger games
Abstract: Finger games,one of the operational games,takes several characteristics of being interesting for baby to play,exercising the  part of baby’s hand muscles,promoting the coordination between baby’s brain and hand neural system and also the consistency between baby’s hand and mouth. In addition to this ,it’s simple for baby to learn ,which shows in consistency with the image memory feature of baby to remember. But the activities’ goal being formulated in the implementation by the preschool teacher is deficient in pertinence,showing no suitability in content selection and no flexibility of activity organization ,not very comprehensive in activity evaluation,which in return seriously affects the sense’s realized by the implementation of finger games. In view of this ,this paper takes a survey of the existing problems by research and interview ,which is related to the implementation of finger games in city of Zhou Kou,He Nan province. It mainly takes an analysis from the view of status quo about finger games’ activity goal,activity content,activity forms,activity evaluation and finally leads to the cause of these problems’ emerging. Then on the basis of this analysis it puts forward advice to formulate a specific activity goal,select the appropriate activity content,persify the activity forms and make a comprehensive kindergarten evaluation system.
 Keywords:small class;finger games;activity’s implementation
目  录
摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、手指游戏的概述    2
(一)手指游戏的定义和特征    2
(二)手指游戏的价值    2
二、周口市S幼儿园小班手指游戏活动实施现状的调查    3
(一)小班手指游戏活动目标    3
(二)小班手指游戏活动内容    4
(三)小班手指游戏活动组织形式    5
(四)小班手指游戏活动评价    5
三、周口市S幼儿园小班手指游戏活动实施中存在的问题    6
(一)小班手指游戏活动目标缺乏明确性    6
(二)小班手指游戏活动内容选材缺乏适宜性    7
(三)小班手指游戏活动组织形式缺乏灵活性    7
(四)小班手指游戏活动评价内容缺乏全面性    7
四、促进周口市S幼儿园小班手指游戏活动实施的建议    8
(一)加强小班幼儿的语言表达能力,明确活动目标    8
(二)了解幼儿生活环境,选材贴近小班幼儿生活    8 幼儿园小班手指游戏活动实施的现状调查:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_38353.html