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时间:2019-08-07 12:48来源:毕业论文

 Current Status and Suggestions for the Incentive Evaluation Application on Primary School Teachers
Abstract: The incentive evaluation is of great importance in classroom teaching. In regard to this, the paper has found that the praise without principle, tedious evaluation words and lack of incentive evaluation method and words exist in the classroom teaching through classroom observation method and interview method as well as investigations and analysis on the incentive evaluation application of primary school teachers. According to the survey results and the pupil age characteristics, the paper will propose a few suggestions from the perspectives of teachers: mastering various incentive evaluation methods, mastering abundant incentive evaluation words, praising in a certain principle and carrying out corresponded incentive evaluations. The purpose is to enhance the development of physical and mental health of pupils which will be helpful to improve the education and teaching quality.
Keywords: Primary school teacher; Incentive evaluation; Evaluation words   
目  录

摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、激励性评价的内涵及其意义    2
(一)激励性评价的内涵    2
(二)激励性评价的意义    2
二、小学教师激励性评价运用的现状    3
(一)无原则的表扬    3
(二)评价语较为匮乏、单一    4
(三)缺少针对性    4
(四)激励性评价方法较少    5
三、小学教师有效实施激励性评价的建议    5
(一)掌握多种激励性评价方法    5
(二)掌握丰富的激励性评价语    6
(三)表扬要遵循一定的原则    7
(四)有针对性地进行激励性评价    8
参考文献    8
附录    9
致谢    10
20世纪80年代末,随着我国学者对课程理论与实践研究的关注,我国课程评价研究逐步发展起来。[1]2001年6月,教育部颁布《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》指出“建立学生全面发展的评价体系”首次正式提出以发展的眼光看待学生,倡导采取促进学生发展的激励性评价。因此,越来越多的中小学教师开始将激励性评价的理念运用到课堂教学之中。就其理论而言,激励性评价的使用可以挖掘学生的潜能,促进学生的全面发展。然而,通过长期的教育实践发现,部分教师仅仅是流于形式,并没有从根本上理解激励性评价的理念与实施策略,直接将激励性评价的理念生搬硬套到学生身上,使得教育效果适得其反,如何改变这种现状是所有教育工作者面临的一大难题。鉴于此,以小学教师为研究对象,通过查阅文献和实证研究,分析小学教师激励性评价运用中存在的问题,最后,从教师的角度提出小学教师激励性评价运用的建议,最终构建真正促进学生全面发展的评价体系。 小学教师激励性评价运用的现状及其建议:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_37168.html