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时间:2019-07-18 19:31来源:毕业论文

Analyzing The Problems and Strategies while The Middle Class Children’s Self-care Ability is Trained——Taking The T Kindergarten of Kai Feng for Exampl
Abstract: At this stage ,children’s self-care ability has been a hot topic. It is very important for children to have a good self-care ability is very important for young children. Children’s self-care ability’s good formation can’t leave parents’ education, the teachers’ development and the cooperation of family. But at present, there are still many unignorable problems in the aspect of the children’s self-care ablity’s development. In view of this, The article aims to the status of the  gradual middle class children's self–care ability in the T kindergarten of Kai Feng, analyzes the teachers–training and the kindergarten' s environment mainly, then concludes the causes of lousy self–care ability. On this basis, the paper puts forward some scientific and effective suggestions on training the children's self –care ability, consolidates the children's self– care ability skills by using game activities and adultnormal, and develops collective education activities to enhance to children's self –care ability.
Keywords: Middle class children; Ability to care for; Strategy
目  录

摘要    1
Abstract.    2
一、幼儿自理能力概述    2
(一)幼儿自理能力的涵义    3
(二)培养幼儿自理能力的重要性    3
二、中班幼儿自理能力在培养中存在的问题    4
(一)幼儿园缺乏支持性环境,幼儿自理能力低下    5
(二)教师教授幼儿自理技能后不加巩固    6
(三)教师培养方法单调    6
三、培养幼儿自理能力的对策    7
(一)创设支持性环境,培养幼儿自理能力    7
(二)教师反复示范,巩固幼儿自理技能    7
(三)开展各种教育活动,提高幼儿自理能力    8
参考文献    10
附录Ⅰ    11
附录Ⅱ    12
致谢    13
现阶段,幼儿教育已经渐渐地步入正轨,成为国家重视的对象,幼儿教师应紧跟这一时代的步伐,根据幼儿自理能力现状进行多元教育。同时,这一时期也是幼儿自理习惯培养和形成的关键。如今,幼儿园内大多数幼儿都是独生子女,家长对孩子的溺爱已经逐渐成为一种习惯,对孩子的那种望子成龙,望女成凤的心情也是越来越高涨,认为孩子只需要掌握好书本知识,做好作业,其他的一切生活需要,都是家长老师代办,老师虽然有让幼儿自理的意识,但为了更好地迎合家长的需要而对孩子的自理采取放任态度。但就是因为过度考虑孩子生活上安逸,而且对智力方面的培育较多,从而忽略了幼儿最基本的自理能力,导致幼儿有很多事情不能自己做,往往需要别人的帮助,对别人形成过度依赖。国家所颁布的《幼儿园教育指导纲要试行》对幼儿自理能力也有一个权威的定义。因而可知,我国对培养幼儿自理能力的倡导和正视。根据上述分析,明显突出幼儿自理能力的培养和形成的重要性。 中班幼儿自理能力在培养中存在问题及对策:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_35774.html