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时间:2019-07-12 20:45来源:毕业论文

The Present Situation Of The Kindergarten In Parent-child Activities
——taking the S kindergarten in Zhoukou city as an example
Abstract: Parent-child activities are educational activities specifically designed by teachers for use by parents under prescribed conditions with children aged 3-6 outside of the traditional classroom. These activities serve as an important form of communication between parents and children, which aims to develop children’s cognitive ability and foster greater independence. In view of this, we investigated the parent-child activities of a kindergarten called S in Zhoukou. Through the literature,interviews ,observation questionnaire survey,we researched how these activities were conducted, the types of the activities and games, the parents attitude toward the activities,and the advantages and disadvantages of activities.We explored the development  these activities and analyzed specific cases in detail. We made several suggestions about parent-child activities based on our findings and aided parents’realization of the significance and importance of parent-child activities through their participation.Our findings furthermore suggest that the healthy growth of children can be better promoted by improving the quality of parent-child activities.
Keywords: parent-child activities; kindergarten;parents; children
目  录
摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、亲子游戏活动的概述    2
(一)亲子游戏活动的含义    2
(二)亲子游戏活动的特点    2
(三)亲子游戏活动的意义    2
二、开展亲子游戏活动的优点    3
(一)幼儿园积极开展亲子游戏活动    3
(二) 开展亲子游戏活动种类丰富多样    4
(三)家长对亲子游戏活动的态度积极    5
三、开展亲子游戏活动存在的问题    6
(一)在游戏过程中,幼儿的主体性尚未完全体现    6
(二)亲子游戏活动的空间不够广阔    6
(三)幼儿园组织亲子游戏活动的频率不高    7
(四)家长参与和创设亲子游戏活动的能力尚需提高    7
四、解决现有问题的建议    7
(一)要充分尊重幼儿在游戏中的主体地位    7
(二)为亲子游戏活动提供更广阔的的空间    8
(三)增加开展亲子游戏活动的次数    9
(四)提升家长对亲子游戏活动的参与性与创设性    9
参考文献    10
附录Ⅰ    10
附录Ⅱ    11
附录III    12
致 谢    13
《幼儿园教育指导纲要》(以下简称《纲要》)在总则里提出:“幼儿园应与家庭、社区密切合作,与小学衔接,综合利用各种教育资源,共同为幼儿的发展创造良好的条件。”在组织与实施中,《纲要》还指出:“家庭是幼儿园的重要合作伙伴。应本着尊重、平等、合作的原则,争取家长的理解、支持和主动参与,并积极支持、帮助家长提高教育能力。充分利用自然环境和社区的教育资源,扩展幼儿生活和学习的空间。幼儿园同时应为社区的早期教育提供服务。”[1] 幼儿园开展亲子游戏活动的现状:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_35596.html