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时间:2019-06-10 19:03来源:毕业论文

Research on Rural Left-behind Children's Learning Situations
----Children in a kindergarten in Luohe as an Example
Abstract: With the development of urbanization in China, the number of the left-behind children in rural kindergartens continues to increase, which leads to many serious problems causing the public’s concern. This article deals with the learning conditions of the   rural left-behind children in kindergartens, including learning attitudes, learning methods and the learning contents. This article discovers problems, analyzes the causes, and then clarifies that the concept of education should be changed, that the educational environment should be improved, and that the communication of home and school should be promoted. The studies provides theoretical basis for how to solve the problems of rural left-behind children in kindergartens and supply better guidance to parents and educators ,which will help children learn.
Keywords: Rural kindergarten; Left-behind children; learning
目  录
摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、农村幼儿园留守儿童的概述    2
(一)概念界定    2
(二)研究的重要性    2
二、农村幼儿园留守儿童学习现状    3
(一)学习态度不积极    3
(二)学习形式单一    3
(三)学习内容偏离    4
三、成因分析    5
(一)家庭教育观念落后,无法满足幼儿学习需求    5
(二)教师专业素质不高,忽视幼儿身心发展规律    5
四、相应对策    6
(一)转变教育观念,帮助幼儿健康成长    6
(二)提高教师素养,重视幼儿发展规律    6
(三)加强家园合作,促进幼儿和谐发展    7
结语    7
参考文献    8
附录Ⅰ    9
附录Ⅱ    9
致谢    10
《幼儿园教育指导纲要》中指出“幼儿园应与家庭、社会密切配合,共同为幼儿创造一个良好地成长环境”。[1]留守幼儿因父母不在身边缺乏家庭的关爱,随着我国城乡化进程加快,留守儿童问题也得到社会的广大关注,但主要集中于农村中小学生上,对农村幼儿园留守儿童相对忽视,并且对留守幼儿的研究集中于心理、健康等方面,对留守幼儿学习上的研究较少[2]。当前,农村幼儿园留守幼儿的规模不断扩大,政府和社会应广泛关注,本文旨在了解农村幼儿园留守儿童学习现状的问题,从幼儿的学习态度、学习形式和学习内容三方面现象来进行研究,对问题进行深层探讨,提出相应对策,为解决农村幼儿园留守儿童问题提供理论依据,使家长、教育工作者更好的指导和教育幼儿,帮助幼儿学习。 农村幼儿园留守儿童学习现状研究:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_34483.html