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时间:2019-05-04 19:39来源:毕业论文

The Existing Problems and Countermeasures on the Implementation in Primary School Educational Punishment
——For Example at Li Ling Hope Primary School
Abstract:Educational punishment is one of the indispensable means of education, a way of education necessary punishment to avoid more damage to the students . Because the boundaries of educational punishment is difficult to draw, at present, often does not violate the law as the bottom line, but there are many problems in the current primary and secondary education discipline implementation , some bring unnecessary physical and mental damage for students . Based on the literature review, combined with my experience and observation at Li Ling hope primary School , and the interview of teachers, based on the definition and the type of education punishment on the primary stage of education, discusses the rationality and necessity of the implementation of the punishment,analysis the existing problems of the implementation of the punishment in the primary stage of education, and puts forward corresponding solutions, in order to provide some ideas and reference for the primary school education to solve the problem of discipline.        
Key word:Punishment; Educational Punishment; Primary Education
目 录

摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、教育惩戒的内涵与类型    2
(一)教育惩戒的内涵    2
(二)教育惩戒的类型    3
二、小学阶段教育惩戒实施的合理性与必要性    3
(一)小学阶段实施教育惩戒的合理性    3
(二)小学阶段实施教育惩戒的必要性    3
三、小学阶段教育惩戒实施存在的问题    4
(一)教育惩戒实施困难    5
(二)惩戒存在随意性    5
(三)惩戒的教育性缺失    6
(四)惩戒标准模糊    6
四、小学阶段实施教育惩戒的策略    6
(一)教师在实施教育惩戒时要突显惩戒的教育性,以学生的长远发展为出发点    6
(二)实施惩戒的过程中要注意公平、不偏不倚    6
(三)惩戒措施要合理合法    7
五、结语    7
参考文献    8
致谢    9
教育惩戒是现代教育的重要组成部分,但是近些年来由于国际国内对儿童权利保护的加强、我国教育界对“激励教育”“赏识教育”的重视以及种种恶性体罚案件的相继曝光而遭受严重挫折,教育惩戒似乎成了“过街老鼠”,老师甚至闻“惩”色变,唯恐踩到体罚与变相体罚的高压线,在这种情况下,如何正确理解教育惩戒,把握实施教育惩戒的意义,找出小学阶段教育惩戒实施过程中存在的问题并提出有效的解决方案,显得尤为重要。 论小学阶段教育惩戒实施存在的问题及对策:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_32940.html