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时间:2019-03-31 14:22来源:毕业论文

Research on the problem of primary school Chinese Reading
Abstract: The work for the year is best begun in spring, morning hours is the best time of the day to work. The morning is the memory of knowledge storage time. Morning reading is an important position in language learning, an important complement and extension of Chinese classroom teaching. It carries the students to read, recite, memorizing, accumulation and many other learning tasks; its unique role is no substitute for other teaching links. However, found in Xuzhou primary school Chinese teachers and students based on interviews and literature research, the status and role of primary school Chinese reading in the morning is ignored, there are many problems in the morning reading. Therefore, this article from the elementary school language reading in the morning of the problems and the reasons of promotion of primary school Chinese reading quality and efficiency of the strategy, in order to draw some valuable reading strategies, improve reading efficiency.
Keywords: Primary school Chinese; Early reading status; Problems;Promotion strategy
目 录
一、小学语文早读的教育价值    2
(一)早读有助于学生掌握语文知识    2
(二)早读有助于学生提高语文能力    2
(三)早读有助于陶冶学生的情操    3
二、小学语文早读存在的问题    3
(一)早读课表面化    3
(二)早读课随性化    3
1.早读目标不明确    3
2.早读时间随性化    4
(三)早读课不早读    4
(四)早读兴趣淡薄    4
(五)早读评价片面    5
三、小学语文早读问题的归因分析    5
(一)教师层面的原因    5
1.教师认识上的问题    5
2.教师能力上的问题    5
3.教师职业观的问题    5
4.教师缺乏探索研究精神    6
(二)学生层面的原因    6
1.学生自控能力不足    6
2.学生不理解    6
3.学生主体意识薄弱    7
(三)学校层面的问题    7
1.应试教育的早读观    7
2.不完善的早读管理制度    7
四、小学语文早读问题的解决策略    7
(一)教师引导早读    7
1.树立正确的教师事业观    7
2.重视早读的教育价值    8
3.明确早读目标    8
(1)确定早读内容    9
(2)丰富早读形式    9
(3)激发早读兴趣    10
5.建立多元的评价机制    10
(1)教师的激励性评价    10
(2)学生之间的学习性评价    10
(3)自我的客观性评价    10 小学语文早读问题研究:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_31546.html