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时间:2018-07-29 20:37来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:穴位  传统文化  表达方式 
The breakthrough point of the visual language of "Chinese traditional creative symbol"
Abstract: through an exploratory analysis of the existing data, effectively stimulate acupuncture points on the body can help your body to release stress, relieve pain, conditioning the reins, get rid of diseases and other benefits, in order to let more people understand the point, it is necessary to the original body acupuncture point design expression of innovation. This paper to "traditional Chinese creative sex symbol" as the breakthrough point of the visual language through the importance of design analysis of acupuncture points on the body, causing more people interested in on the point to meet people's emotional and mental health needs. The people-oriented, novel and unique, adapt to the development of contemporary visual culture of acupuncture points on the body of knowledge to explain, At the same time pay attention to the form of the law of the influence of the visual impact, coupled with the expression and design of easy to understand the function of the innovative points, and then realize the heritage and development of traditional culture.
Key words: Acupoint   traditional culture  expressive way
穴位是中国文化和中医学特有的名词,针灸临床实践表明,通过对穴位的刺激,可出现对机体疏通经络、调和阴阳、扶正祛邪的效应,   然而,随着社会的发展,穴位在医学治疗中慢慢被西医的引入淡化,为了让人们重视起本土文化留下的这笔财富,有必要对身体的穴位进行设计、分析。
中国的历史悠久,文化积淀深厚,不同时代,不同地域,不同民族,都拥有对穴位的研究,但是目前随着市场经济的繁荣,人们物质和精神水平的提高,传统意义上真实的穴位图已然满足不了当代人们对于美的需要。 如 《手背部董氏奇穴图》中(图一),只是把所有的穴位都排列上去,虽然全面,但读者分不清穴位的具体位置,所处的穴位有什么用,它们之间有什么联系,缺少美感,没有创新,因此,对于这丰富的历史资源,作为设计工作者应根据设计理念和方法,通过积极探索使穴位形成其独特的艺术形式和设计特点,也是对传统文化的传承。 身体穴位的设计表达以“中国传统创意性符号”为视觉语言的突破点:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_20665.html