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时间:2018-03-20 10:59来源:毕业论文

The Survey about The Present Situation of Education Internship about Preschool Education Undergraduate
Abstract: Preschool education internship is the important way which must be passed for preschool teachers to work. It is also the beginning of each preschool teacher to grow their professional knowledge. This article uses the literature method, interview method, and questionnaire and so on. 75 interns of the Z Normal College were investigated and 68 questionnaires were valid. The main problems are being found in the process of preschool education practice: practice base teachers’ guidance is not accurate and specific. Interns are not enough understanding about practice, adapting poorly. Aimed at these problems, the paper proposes the following suggestions: kindergartener should offer much more guidance to interns. Interns should attach great importance to the role of internship and be ready for practice.
Keywords:pre-school;Undergraduates;The education intership
目    录

毕业论文摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、教育实习的概述    2
(一)教育实习的定义    2
(二)教育实习的作用及价值    2
二、学前本科生教育实习现状    3
(一)高校方面    3
1.实习基地多元化    3
2.高校对实习时间的选择集中    3
(二)实习基地教师对实习生的指导情况    4
1.指导内容不到位、不具体    5
2.指导方式欠妥当    5
3.指导效果不佳    6
(三)实习生自身    6
1.对实习的认识不到位    7
2.实习生工作表现    7
三、学前教育本科生实习现状的解决对策    8
(一)高校方面    8
1.健全实习评价管理体系    8
2.合理的安排教育实习的时间    9
(二)实习基地方面    9
1.实习基地教师应重视对实习生的指导工作    9
2.为实习生制定实习计划    10
(三)实习生自身    10
1.重视实习的作用、做好实习准备    10
2.提高专业技能和沟通能力    10
参考文献    11
附录Ⅰ    12
附录Ⅱ    14
致谢    15

一、教育实习的概述 学前教育本科生教育实习现状调查:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_11341.html