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时间:2017-05-30 08:14来源:毕业论文

摘要:    阐述了危险化学品定义、分类以及危险性,并简要分析了上海某区危险化学品的安全管理形势、现状,从事故类别、事故发生时间、企业类型、危险化学品事故发生环节、事故发生原因等各个角度对危化品事故进行统计与分析,得出以下结论,中毒与窒息事故和爆炸事故占危险化学品事故主要类型,高温季节是危险化学品事故的多发期;有限责任公司和私营企业两种类型是危险化学品安全监管的重要对象,生产环节是事故发生的主要环节,违反操作规程或劳动纪律与设备设施工具附件有缺陷是导致事故的重要原因。并对不同类型的典型事故案例进行剖析,分别分析了其事故的原因,事故的责任,事故的性质等。归纳总结危险化学品企业存在的共性问题,包括危险化学品安全管理方面的不健全、生产工艺落后安全设施老化、安全生产管理监督管理不力执法不严、安全教育培训亟待加强、危险化学品事故应急救援体系不完备,对于这些问题提出建议及措施,并分别对危险化学品生产、使用、经营、储存企业存在和面临的安全问题进行归纳总结。9329
关键词: 危险化学品;安全管理;统计分析;事故
A safety analysis of the chemicals industry in one of Shanghai’s districts
Abstract:  This dissertation is an analysis of the safety status and safety management systems of the chemicals industry in one of Shanghai’s districts. It begins with a definition of hazardous chemicals, as well as an overview of their categorization and properties. A statistical analysis of past accident reports has been performed, and the data reviewed based on the type, time, nature, sequence of events, and cause of the accidents. The following conclusions can be made based on the above review: Poisoning, asphyxiation, and explosions form the majority of the accidents analyzed. Accidents peak during high temperature seasons, and have a high level of occurrence in the production phase within Limited liability companies and private enterprises. The primary causes of accidents are operations against procedures and labor regulations, as well as flawed or inappropriately operated equipment. In depth case studies have been performed for several typical accidents to analyze their cause, liability, and result. A summary of safety related flaws observed in the chemicals industry has been created, including inadequacies in safety management, production procedure, safety equipment, regulation oversight, training, and accident response. Recommendations for corrective actions have been suggested in these and other areas, and the general state of safety in the production, use, sales, and storage of hazardous chemicals has been reviewed.
Keywords:    dangerous chemical;safety management;statistical analysis;accidents
 目  录
1.绪论    1
1.1 危险化学品的定义、分类    1
1.2 危险化学品的危险性    2
1.2.1 危险的多重性和复杂性    2
1.2.2 爆炸品的危险性    2
1.2.3 易燃危险性    2
1.2.4 毒害危险性    2
1.2.5 放射性    2
1.2.6 腐蚀性    2
1.3 危险化学品安全管理形势以及现状    3
1.3.1 危险化学品安全管理形势    3
1.3.2 危险化学品安全管理现状    3
1.4研究目的、意义以及内容    4
1.4.1 研究目的以及意义    4
1.4.2 研究内容    4
2.某区危化品企业概况及事故统计分析    6
2.1某区危化品企业概况    6
2.2 某区危化品企业2006年至2012年事故统计分析    6 危险化学品企业安全现状分析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_8002.html