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时间:2021-07-18 09:17来源:毕业论文

摘  要:上海作为一座国际化大都市,交通的顺畅拥堵程度直接影响着城市的发展。近年来,随着居民生活水平的提髙,私家车及各种车辆数量大幅増加,上海城郊的道路交通拥堵状况日益严重,而进行城市配送所使用的各类货车也是造成其交通拥堵的一个因素之一。交通状况既受城市配送的影响,同时也影响着城市配送的效率、质量等。因此在城市配送中合理地选择的选址与出行道路,减缓交通道路的拥堵情况,这样既能减缓城市交通的压力,也能提高自身的配送效率,并且城市的发展也会大幅度的提升。 69520


关键词:交通拥堵  Arena仿真优化  物流选址

Simulation Study on the Impact of Logistics Center Location on Shanghai Transportation

ABSTRACT: Shanghai as an international metropolis, the smooth traffic congestion directly affects the city's development. In recent years, with the improvement of living standards, the number of private cars and various vehicles increased significantly, the urban suburbs of Shanghai road traffic congestion situation is increasingly serious, and the use of urban distribution of various types of trucks is also a cause of its traffic congestion one. Traffic conditions both by the impact of urban distribution, but also affects the efficiency of urban distribution, quality and so on. Therefore, in the city distribution in a reasonable choice of location and travel roads, slow down the congestion of traffic roads, which can slow down the pressure on urban transport, but also improve their distribution efficiency, and the development of the city, will be greatly improved.

    In this paper, the Shanghai area as a research area, choose express logistics is located in Shanghai, and the overall strength of the more forward logistics enterprises as a reference sample. This paper analyzes the layout characteristics of its logistics node location in Shanghai in a specific area, simulates its spatial structure distribution, and analyzes the length of time data of its express logistics node location to determine the impact of logistics location on traffic. And in the end this article using Arena simulation to simulate, and to optimize, select the best solution for logistics location.

Key words:  Traffic congestion   Arena simulation   Optimization of logistics node location.





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