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时间:2021-04-23 20:17来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  猎头 甄选 有效性 效度 信度

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title    Research of selection methods effectiveness  of Headhunting                                                 


In the modern enterprise production and business activities, the company's management and key technical personnel with the most important position and role. For a long time, how the selection of such talent has been the theoretical research focus. Headhunting company as a professional such talent recruitment agency organized and efficient selection methods will be their key concern. This topic relying on a domestic headhunting company's data, conducted an empirical study.The program collected interviewer personnel selection methods using various evaluation of candidates, as well as enterprises in the recruitment of these candidates three months after the performance evaluation, and the consistency of the evaluation results of these two comparison and analysis, in order to this personnel selection methods to explore the effectiveness of various high and low. Combined with experimental data, we found that for different industries, different positions, we have to choose the corresponding selection methods, can be more efficient selection of talent. Experimental research and executive search industry for the development of the initial proposed the idea to establish a comprehensive selection system.

Keywords: Headhunting Selection validation efficiency  inter-scorers reliability

目   次

1  绪论 1

1.1  选题的背景与意义 1

1.2 研究内容与分析框架 1

文献回顾 2

2.1甄选 2

2.2人才甄选的工具 3

2.3人才甄选工具的有效性 4

3 猎头公司的运营 5

3.1猎头行业简介 5

3.2 猎头公司人员甄选的特殊性 5

4 猎头公司甄选方法及其有效性研究 7

4.1实验研究的设计与分析 7

4.2基于效度与信度理论的猎头甄选方法实效性研究 9

4 关于猎头公司甄选方法建议与设想 11

结论 15

致  谢 16

参 考 文 献 17

1  绪论 猎头公司甄选方法的有效性研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_73946.html
