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时间:2020-03-22 20:49来源:毕业论文



Research on Laber services’ Current Situation, Problem and Strategy in Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Company


Since the reform and opening up, the shipbuilding industry develop rapidly. As a labor-intensive industry, shipbuilding industry needs a lot of labor workers, labor workers management affect not only the ship enterprise own benefit, even affects the whole ship industry development.Take Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Company for example, through the analysis of the current situation of the company, dicovery  labor management affact for three problems: First, Labor workersoverall have lower educational level.Second, Labour outsourcing have more disadvantages than services dispatch. Third, Labor dispatching is still not perfect. In this paper, in view above the situation, the writer come up with some advice from the standardize the company management, optimize the worker management, improve the service company workers and labor awareness in terms of improving labor workers management.

Keywords:labor workers;Waigaoqiao;Strategy

目  录

0 引言 1

1劳务用工的含义 1

1.1劳务用工的基本含义 1

1.2两种劳务用工方式的评价 2

1.3劳务派遣的起源及发展 3

1.4劳务外包的概念界定和法律规定 4

2上海外高桥造船有限公司劳务用工状况 5

2.1公司劳务工结构 5

2.2目前两种用工模管理现状 7

3上海外高桥造船有限公司劳务用工问题及原因分析 9

3.1劳务用工的问题 9

3.2上述问题产生的原因 11

4解决上述问题的对策 13

4.1规范公司管理 13

4.2优化用工模式 14

4.3提高劳务公司及劳务工法律意识 15

结 论 16

致 谢 17

参考文献 18

附录 19


0 引言

2001年到2010年,我国船舶工业及时抓住机遇,大幅度加快发展速度,实现了历史性的跨越,迎来了难得的市场高潮期,造船能力、科技实力、国际竞争力不断增强,跻身为世界主要的造船大国。在急于抢单的浪潮里,许多深层次的不易被挖掘的问题被疯狂的市场掩盖起来了,有些企业无视在细节上严格抓管理,片面的追求企业利润最大化。但是现在的市场逐渐冷却下来,问题也就随之暴露出来,企业对劳务工管理不严格,最终会反映到产品上,交付的船只达不到船东的质量要求,订单越来越少,导致企业效益越来越不景气,使得中国的船舶行业受到较大且短时间内无法恢复元气的影响。 上海外高桥造船公司劳务用工现状存在的问题及对策研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_48683.html
