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时间:2020-03-11 20:43来源:毕业论文

Abstract Cold chain logistics is an essential part of the transportation of fresh agricultural products. As a big food production and marketing country, it has a very broad prospects for cold chain logistics. The from the concept of cold chain and cold chain logistics of combining Shunda cargo cold chain logistics development present situation, find out Shunda company business operation in the presence of some transport problems. Analysis of enterprise in cold chain logistics and transport links, there are old concept of management, improve the independence of the cold chain system has not been formed, the lack of professional logistics personnel, high freight, cold chain logistics infrastructure serious lag problem; therefore, this paper in view of the problem proposed promotion modern cold chain logistics concept and technology, promote the cold chain logistics information technology, the establishment of main varieties and key areas of agricultural products cold chain logistics system, strengthen cold chain logistics infrastructure construction and personnel training and other measures. Through scientific management methods and ideas, to explore the improvement plan, development of logistics can hope Shunda continued fast.
Key words: agricultural products; cold chain logistics; current situation; Improvement measures
目  录
摘  要    I
Abstract    II
第一章  导 论    1
1.1 研究背景及意义    1
1.2 研究基本思路    1
1.3 面临的形势    1
第二章  冷链物流概述    3
2.1 冷链的概述    3
2.2 冷链温度的分类    3
2.3 冷链运输的方式    4
2.4 我国冷链物流发展前景    4
第三章  顺达货运的发展现状    6
3.1泰兴顺达货运市场规模    6
3.2 顺达货运的发展优势    6
3.3 顺达货运的发展趋势    6
第四章  顺达货运存在的问题    8
4.1 冷链体系欠完整    8
4.2 专业人才缺乏    8
4.3 冷链信息化程度低    8
4.4 冷链设备亟待更新    9
第五章  顺达物流发展的对策建议    10
5.1 推广现代冷链物流理念与技术    10
5.2 加强冷链物流基础设施建设    10
5.3 建立主要品种和重点区域农产品的冷链物流体系    11
5.4 推动冷链物流信息化    11
5.5 培养冷链物流管理人才    12
结  论    13
致  谢    14
参考文献    15
第一章  导 论
1.1 研究背景及意义
农产品的冷链物流是指各类蔬菜,肉食,水产,蛋类等这些生鲜农产品从出产地进行收集后,再包装,最后再销售到消费者手中所经历的贮藏、运输等所有环节都一直处于相宜的低温控制环境下,这样能最大程度地保证农产品品质和质量安全、减少损耗、防止污染 [1] 这几年,我国的生鲜农产品产量以及它的流通量都在不断的增加,而每年光光进入到流通领域的生鲜产品就大约有4亿多吨,冷链物流比例一年比一年高。根据资料显示,我国果蔬的冷链流通率是5%,冷藏的运输率是15%;水产品的冷链流通率是23%,冷藏的运输率为40%;肉类冷链的流通率为5%,冷藏的运输率为30%。而使用了全程冷链运输, 其中禽蛋制品比率不足1%。欧美很多发达国家的生鲜农产品冷链流通率高达95%以上,其中,肉禽类已经做到100%的冷链运输与贮藏,而美国销售的蛋类农产品已经全部使用冷链进行运输与贮藏等。[2] 顺达货运农产品冷链物流发展策略分析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_48138.html