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时间:2020-03-09 12:53来源:毕业论文

With the vigorous development of the hotel industry in China,the employment prospects of the graduates of Hotel University management are very optimistic. However,according to statistics,in recent years,China's hotel industry university student staff turnover rate has maintained a fairly high level. The loss of their problems is restricting the sustainable development of the hotel industry and tourism. This paper takes college students as the breakthrough point,in the case of Yihe Mansion. To explore the reasons for the loss of the hotel college students, there are 4:the first is hotel reasons,the second is school reasons,the third is social reasons,the forth is for their own reasons. Through literature review,questionnaire survey and statistical research methods are analyzed and studied. Finally, this paper puts forward some countermeasures to solve the current problems, to help the hotel to keep College students.To create greater benefits for the hotel.
Key words: college students; hotel; staff turnover; reasons; countermeasures
目  录
第一章  绪论    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.1.1酒店行业的蓬勃发展    1
1.1.2酒店人才的发展要求    1
1.1.3酒店大学生流动频繁    1
1.2研究意义    2
1.3研究方法    2
第二章  文献综述    3
2.1国外研究进展    3
2.2国内研究进展    3
2.3研究述评    4
第三章  相关概念    5
3.1员工流动    5
3.2员工流失    5
第四章  颐和公馆酒店大学生员工流失状况及原因分析    7
4.1颐和公馆概况    7
4.2颐和公馆员工流失情况    7
4.3员工流失原因问卷调查数据统计    8
4.4原因分析    10
4.4.1酒店方面原因    10
4.4.2学校方面原因    11
4.4.3社会方面原因    11
4.4.4自身方面原因    12
第五章 酒店行业大学生员工流失的对策    13
5.1对于酒店企业而言    13
5.1.1完善酒店管理体系    13
5.1.2提高员工满意度    13
5.2对于高等学校而言    13
5.2.1改进高校教育模式    13
5.2.2加强大学生职业指导,树立正确的就业观    14
5.3对于社会舆论而言    14
5.3.1改变传统思想观念    14
5.3.2树立正确舆论导向,改善外部社会坏境    14
5.4对于大学生自身而言    14
5.4.1端正就业思想,摆正择业心态    14
5.4.2制定正确的职业生涯规划    14
第六章 结束语    16
6.1研究成果    16 酒店行业大学生员工流失原因与对策研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_47921.html