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时间:2020-02-27 13:00来源:毕业论文

As the country which natural disasters happended the most frequently in the world, china has a heavy population, and a fast development rate of the economy. But some people’s cultural level is generally low, and it’s difficult for them to control the risk . Therefore in the event of a huge natural disaster, people in the area will suffer a serious casualties and property losses. So it is very important to accelerate the construction of the risk management system. And building in line with the areas of risk management system plays an important role in disaster prevention and mitigation, and maintain a harmonious society. This article analyzed the current situation and some problems of the catastrophe risk management in china, and studied the catastrophe risk management system of America. On the basis of reference to the United States nature risk control experience, it explored the useful experience for china: to establish catastrophe risk map, to universal the disaster prevention knowledge, to form a natural disasters patrol team, to build  materials reserves warehouse, etc.
Key words: Catastrophe risk management;The United States;Experience for reference
目  录
摘  要    I
Abstract    II
一、引言    1
二、巨灾风险与巨灾风险管理概述    2
㈠巨灾风险和巨灾风险管理    2
㈡中国巨灾风险管理的现状    3
三、美国巨灾风险管理体系    5
㈠美国巨灾风险管理体系的组成    5
㈡美国巨灾风险管理体系的特点    7
四、美国巨灾风险管理体系的经验借鉴    8
㈠灾前防控    8
㈡灾中救援    8
㈢灾后补偿    9
参考文献    11
致    谢    12
一般来说,不同国家具有不同的地理环境和气候环境,以及不同的巨灾风险管理水平和管理体系,巨灾风险的发生概率存在着较大的差异。众所周知,美国、日本、英国等发达国家的风险管理体系都相对比较完善,这些国家经济发展程度较高、人口相对密集、由于地理和气候因素导致巨灾发生的频率较高,但较高水平的巨灾风险管理使得巨灾造成的人员财产损失相对较低。美国是一个自然灾害多发的国家,频频遭遇洪水、风暴潮、海啸、地震、台风、龙卷风、冰雹、山体滑坡等等。根据美国自然灾害死亡地图数据显示:气象方面,美国每年大概发生十次热带风暴大概以及一千次龙卷风;洪水方面,由于美国每条河流的流域面积都很大,流域沿岸都易发生洪涝灾害;而美国50个州在不同程度都受到过地震灾危害,其中39个州经常受到中强地震的破坏与影响。美国政府的巨灾风险管理手段主要是保险与政府救助相结合,自愿保险与强制保险相结合。除了灾后建设与财政补偿,加强基础设施建设等增强风险承受力的灾前减灾制度在风险管理体系中占据重要地位。 美国巨灾风险管理体系的启示和经验借鉴:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_47032.html