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时间:2020-02-20 20:56来源:毕业论文

Since the eighteenth congress, to deepen the understanding of the position of agriculture as the foundation of the economy continually, solve problem has become a top priority of the entire rural farmers. As an important part of rural finance, rural small life insurance is a kind of support by the government, insurance company handling, specifically for the majority of low-income farmers a commonweal and commercial insurance, for the improvement of farmers' risk guarantee, the construction harmonious society has certain significance. The rural small insurance of Guangdong province since the pilot, has obtained certain achievements, but there are still some questions presses for solution. Academics on the product design and development of small rural personal insurance mode, system arrangement of exploration has achieved certain results, for the development of small rural life insurance provides a reference value. From small rural insurance development present situation of Guangdong province, this paper discusses problems existing in the development of insurance of small person, in using the experience of foreign rural small insurance development, on the basis of based on farmers, government, insurance companies, for the development of small rural personal insurance of Guangdong province put forward some reasonable Suggestions.
Key words:Guangdong Province;Personal small insurance;Development;Problem research
目    录
摘    要    I
一、引言    1
(一)选题背景及意义    1
(二)文献综述    2
二、广东省农村小额人身保险的发展现状    3
(一)广东省农村小额人身保险的试点背景    3
(二)广东省农村小额人身保险发展迅速    4
(三)经营模式多样化    5
三、广东省农村小额人身保险存在的问题    6
(一)农村居民收入水平低,保险意识弱    6
(二) 政府对小额人身保险支持力度不足    8
(三)保险公司缺乏积极性    9
四、意见和建议    9
(一)提高农村生活水平和保险意识    9
(二)政府应通过政策外手段支持小额保险的发展    10
(三)保险公司应因地制宜,创新经营    10
参考文献    12
致谢    13
党的十八大以来,党中央指出,要坚持走中国特色新型信息化、工业化和城镇化的农业现代化道路,解决好农村农民问题将成为全党工作的重中之重。在提高农村居民的保障水平上以及服务“三农”上,保险发挥着无可替代的作用,但是,由于农民收入水平低、保险意识不够强烈等诸多因素,农村的保险深度和密度却依旧不理想。因此,为了使广大农民拥有基本的保险保障,2008年8月出台了《农村小额人身保险试点方案》,标志着我国农村小额人身保险试点工作正式启动,农村小额保险开始在农民的风险保障方面发挥着重要的作用。 广东省农村小额人身保险的发展现状与问题研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_46478.html