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时间:2019-08-29 19:54来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键字:供应链管理  采购管理  库存管理
Procurement strategy optimization of Tian Ge Fashion co., LTD.
Abstract:Along with the economic globalization, under the planned economic system of the management pattern already cannot satisfy the needs of consumers, especially in the clothing industry, the design of every year is different, updated quickly, the traditional large quantities of small batch purchase way, leading to many clothing enterprises now appear a large number of inventory, and on the ways to select suppliers, also on the delivery time, price and quality of the products pose a serious hidden trouble, in order to solve these problems, the thought of supply chain management by most enterprises gradually accepted and adopted.
This article through to the interpretation of the concept of supply chain and supply chain management, and the study of procurement strategies under the environment of supply chain, combined with day pavilion fashion co., LTD., the problems in the procurement, the traditional purchasing and procurement management under the environment of supply chain, to day pavilion fashion co., LTD., aimed at the problems in purchasing management put forward the corresponding solutions.
  Key words: Supply chain management; Purchasing management;  Inventory management
 一、绪论    - 2 -
(一)研究背景    - 2 -
(二)研究目的    - 2 -
(三)文献综述    - 2 -
(四)论文内容及思路框架    - 5 -
 二、相关理论概述    - 5 -
(一)供应链管理    - 5 -
(二)采购管理    - 5 -
(三)供应链管理环境下的采购管理    - 6 -
(四)VIM(供应商管理库存)    - 7 -
 三、天阁时装的采购现状分析    - 8 -
(一)时装行业简介    - 8 -
(二)天阁时装公司的简介    - 8 -
(三)天阁时装公司采购管理现状    - 9 -
(四) 天阁时装公司采购管理中存在的问题分析    - 10 -
 四、天阁时装公司采购管理的优化方案    - 12 -
(一)天阁时装公司采购管理优化方案    - 12 -
(二)天阁时装在供应链管理下的采购较传统采购的优越性    - 13 -
 五、结论    - 14 -
 参考文献    - 16 -
 致谢    - 18 -
调查显示,在2014年,服装企业的库存让中国人白穿3年都穿不完,这年中有22家A股服装类上市公司第三季度的存货总量就达到令人咋舌的382亿元,在此之前,上半年的42家服装企业总共积压的库存达到483亿。看到如此庞大的数据,服装公司就像热锅上的蚂蚁,焦急的想把库存低价甩卖,但是,即便是低价,产品也没有人买,与此矛盾的是,市场上还出现缺货的现象,新款、潮流的服装供不应求,这就造成两个极端,消费者想买的买不到,企业想卖的卖不了,这就是目前服装行业的背景,新款的供不应求,旧款的供过于求。 天阁时装有限公司采购策略优化:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_38584.html