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时间:2019-08-18 14:20来源:毕业论文

The Research of Local Universities Serving The Regional Economic Social Development: Based On Cases of Multiple Colleges
Abstract: Colleges and universities are important supports for the construction of national innovation system, local colleges and universities rely on the construction of regional innovation system. Regional economic development is the main content of the service function of local colleges and universities.With the establishment of market economy, regional economy has become an important mission of regional colleges and universities. Regional colleges and universities should constantly enhance the consciousness of the service area economy, actively play the regional economic construction service functions, and effectively serve the regional economic development.
     The professional settings of regional colleges and universities can not change with the regional economic construction and social development, there are some problems such as outdated structure, unreasonable structure and single cultivation standards. The science and material resources of the University in Shanghai are growing slowly, the resources are insufficient and the idle coexist, the structural contradiction of the science and technology human resources is outstanding. Therefore in Colleges and universities for guidance, establish suitable for the development of local colleges and universities and scientific evaluation methods, create three platform, enhanced the ability of scientific research and innovation, optimize the specialty structure so as to meet the needs of the society, the transformation of scientific research achievements in social services, promote the correct positioning of the forcing in a hurry.
Keywords:Local colleges and Universities;Regional economic;Economic construction;The evaluation system
一、绪论    1
(一) 研究背景和意义    1
1、 研究背景    1
2、 研究意义    1
(二) 研究目的和方法    2
1、 研究目的    2
2、 研究方法    2
二、国内外研究现状及发展趋势    3
(一) 国内研究综述    3
(二) 国外研究综述    4
(三) 发展综述    5
三、奉贤区联盟计划调研情况    6
(一)调研对象及方式方法    6
1、 调研对象选择    6
2、 调研方法    6
3、 调研经过    6
(二) 奉贤区联盟计划项目实施情况    6
1、 联盟计划项目立项分布    6
2、 联盟计划项目实施情况    8
四、上海各大市属高校服务区域经济案例分析    9
(一) 上海第二工业大学学校基本情况及服务区域经济现状分析    9 上海市属高校服务区域经济能力提升研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_37747.html