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时间:2019-04-04 19:49来源:毕业论文

摘  要:所谓的“新生代农民工”主要指1980年和1990年以后出生的农村劳动力,也称第二代农民工。他们和上一代的劳动力有所差别,其受教育程度相对较高,他们从学校毕业后直接进城打工,对“三农”等方面的问题并不熟悉。同时,他们希望自己能够融入到城市之中,分享现代城市文明成果。新生代农民工对城市充满了期望,他们的思文、行为、生活方式以城市为向导,更渴望以智力方式在城市中获得生存,当前新生代农民工已成为现代产业工人的重要力量,与第一代农民工相比,新生代农民工参与培训具有非常独特的特征。本文分析了新生代农民工培训的现状和培训的必要性,从培训机构、培训单位和农民工自身等方面对农民工的培训进行探究,进而构建了新生代农民工多元化的培训模式。34193
目    录
摘  要    1
Abstrac    1
一、新生代农民工之“新”解    2
(一)受教育程度高    2
(二)学习能力更强    3
(三)工作环境要求高    3
(四)工作忍耐力较低    3
(五)市民化要求更加强烈    4
二、新生代农民工培训现状分析    4
(一)新生代农民工在培训中取得的效果    4
(二)新生代农民工在培训中存在的问题    5
三、对新生代农民工进行培训的必要性分析    6
(一)培训新生代农民工以促进社会经济增长    6
(二)培训新生代农民工以构筑社会的稳定器    7
(三)培训新生代农民工以拓宽社会就业途径    7
(四)培训新生代农民工以保障就业力的提升    8
(五)培训新生代农民工以形成人力资源强国    8
四、关于新生代农民工多元化培训模式的建议    8
(一)培训内容的多元化    8
(二)培训主体的多元化    9
(三)培训形式的多元化    11
参考文献    13
致谢    14
To explore the new generation of migrant workers persity training
Abstract:The so-called "new generation of migrant workers" mainly refers to post 80s and 90s rural labor force, which is also known as the second generation of migrant workers. They differ somewhat from the last generation. They have a relatively high educational level of education .But they are not familiar with rural areas and farmers when they graduated from the school and then worked in cities. At the same time, they are also eager to integrate into the city and enjoy the modern urban civilization. New generation of migrant workers have so much yearning to the city. They regard the way of thinking and behavior of cities as the benchmark. They are more eager to survive in city with intelligence rather than physical power. The current generation of migrant workers have become the main part of modern industrial workers and migrant workers force. Compared with the first generation of migrant workers, the new generation of migrant workers have heterogeneous characteristics in training. This paper analyzes the status and necessity of training the new generation of migrant workers. This paper also will explore the training of migrant workers from training institutions, training companies and migrant workers and other aspects, so as to construct  a multiple training pattern for the new generation of migrant workers. 新生代农民工多元化培训模式探究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_31646.html