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时间:2018-04-13 22:39来源:毕业论文

关键词  南京  政策过程   政策失效  “雨污分流”工程21151
Title  Analysis of Policy Failure to Nanjing "rain and sewage persion."
In China,under the background of continued "urbanization", the urban renovation is an important part of the urbanization.In the process of Nanjing urban transformation, there is a significant project called "rain and sewage persion", which is planned since 2010 and last for 4 years. More than 180 million yuan is invested in the implementation of this core project for water environment improvement in Nanjing.As a key section to public policy for city planning, "rain and sewage persion" project was planned to be a "Livelihood project",but in reality ,it became a public policy failure. This paper is based on the theory of public policy to the actual status of Nanjing "rain and sewage persion" project as a case.By analyzing the reasons of public policy failure in this case, we aim to explore the macro-approach which can improve "rain and sewage persion" project on existing practical basis. As far as possible to minimize the loss of the entire project and to propose a solution for the public policy failure.Keywords  Nanjing   policy process  policy failure   Nanjing "rain and sewage persion"
 目   次
1绪论    1
1.1研究的意义和背景    1
1.2文献综述    2
1.3研究的内容、思路和方法    4
1.4研究的创新点    6
2基本概念和相关理论    7
2.1公共政策    7
2.2公共政策执行理论    8
2.3公共政策失效理论    11
3南京“雨污分流”政策概况    12
3.1南京“雨污分流”政策依据以及规划    12
3.2南京“雨污分流”工程建设基本状况    13
3.3南京“雨污分流”工程建设困境    14
4南京“雨污分流”政策失效分析    16
4.1基于公共政策系统要素的角度分析    16
4.2基于公共政策执行过程的角度分析    20
4.3基于公共政策制定的合理性分析    23
5公共政策失效的防治对策及建议    24
5.1后“雨污分流”时代:工程具体处理措施    24
5.2南京“雨污分流”工程的改进对策    25
5.3我国公共政策失效的宏观建议    25
结论    28
致谢    29
参考文献    30
1  绪论
1.1  研究的背景及意义
1.1.1  研究的背景
公共管理是政府以及其他公共部门用来服务社会的基本职能,不管在我国还是国际上,都一直是各国执政政府和社会大众共同关心的重点。公共管理水平的高低很大程度上影响着一个国家自身能力以及在国际上的地位,在经济和社会不断快速发展的今天,政府的公共管理能力已经成为了一项衡量国家实力的重要标准。 南京“雨污分流”政策失效分析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_13232.html