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时间:2018-03-05 16:23来源:毕业论文

关键词    幸福感    相对收入   家庭收入   个体收入    城乡差异
Title  The Empirical Research Concerning Impact of Income Inequality on Subjective Well-being of Urban and Rural Residents   
This paper begins with the summary of the current research concerning relationship between income and subjective well-being. The author will pide the income into inpidual income, family income and relative income. In the following part .The author will use the Ordered Logit Model to analyze the impaction of inpidual income, family income, relative income on the subjective well-being.
After the analysis the author finds that both family income and relative income have impact on subjective well-being, but relative income has deeper impaction than family income .when it comes to the inpidual income, the author finds that it has little to do with subjective well-being. What’s  more, the relative income has impaction on both urban residents’ subjective well-being and rural residents’ subjective well-being ,there is no obvious difference between urban residents and rural residents.
Keywords  subjective well-being   relative income   family income   inpidual income   difference between town and county
目  次
1  引言    1
文献回顾    2
2.1 收入与幸福感的相关理论    2
2.2 收入与幸福感相关实证研究    5
3 研究设计    10
3.1数据来源    10
3.2调查问题及变量说明    10
3.3统计方法    12
4 实证分析    14
4.1 调查样本基本情况统计分析    15
4.2 序次logistic回归分析    17
4.3 模型分析结果讨论    20
结论    22
致谢    24
参考文献    25
表4.1 样本幸福感均值分变量统计    14
表4.2 幸福感、个人收入、家庭收入、相对收入相关分析    15
表4.3 个人收入与幸福感卡方检验    16
表4.4 家庭收入与幸福感卡方检验    16
表4.5 相对收入与幸福感卡方检验    16
表4.6 模型一至四次序logistic模型分析结果    17
表4.7 城市、农村次序logistic模型分析结果    19
1  引言
幸福感是个永恒的话题,近年来兴起的积极心理学,一定程度上提升了人们对幸福感的关注度。显然,幸福是每一个正常个体所追求的人生目标。今年两会期间,习近平总书记在参加贵州代表团审议时就曾提及“PM2.5直接关系幸福感”。此外,央视进行的“你幸福吗”的采访,也引起了社会的巨大反响。国家、政府对老百姓幸福感的关注可见一斑。前段时间央视财经频道联合多个机构发布了我国最具幸福感城市20强,令人意外的是,经济最发达的北上广,无一入选。人们不经会问,经济的发展、个体收入的增加还能提升人们的幸福感么? 收入差距对城乡居民主观幸福感影响的实证研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_10537.html