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时间:2021-06-20 11:26来源:毕业论文

摘 要:《公路路基设计规范》中定义如下:“路堤(embankment):高于原地面的填方路基。路堤在结构上分为上路堤和下路堤,上路堤是指路床以下0.7m厚度范围的填方部分,下路堤是指上路堤以下的填方部分。”68736



Design of embankment and support for ShenHa Passenger Dedicated Line

Abstract:"Highway subgrade design code" is defined as follows: "embankment (embankment): higher than the original ground fill subgrade.". The embankment is pided into the road embankment and the lower embankment on the structure. The road embankment is the filling part of the 0.7m thickness below the guiding bed, and the lower embankment refers to the filling part below the embankment."

The definition of support in the earth science dictionary is: "the stability of the underground chamber after excavation and construction safety, and taken to support, strengthen or cover the surrounding rock components or other measures collectively.". In traditional mining method, there are three kinds of support types: retaining pillar, erecting support and reinforcing rock. Under the new Austrian tunneling method, the supporting effect can be pided into two types: temporary support and permanent support, including shotcrete anchor support, steel and wood support, concrete lining, grouting support and so on.


1绪论 5

1.1课题的目的和意义 5

1.2国内外研究现状与水平 5

2.设计资料 7

2.1设计基本资料 7

2.1.1工程概况 7

2.1.2水文地质条件及边坡情况 7

2.2设计内容 8

3.路基设计 9

3.1设计条件 9

3.2路基横断面设计 9

3.3路基面宽度设计 9

3.4路基面荷载设计 10

3.5路堤边坡设计 10

3.6边坡稳定性分析 11

3.6.1边坡失稳、边坡稳定性的定义和边坡破坏类型 11

3.6.2边坡失稳的原因分析及预防措施 11

3.6.3瑞典条分法计算边坡稳定性 12

4.挡土墙的设计 18

4.1重力式挡土墙 18

4.1.1重力式挡土墙抗滑稳定性验算 18

4.1.2倾覆稳定性验算 20

4.1.3挡土墙基底应力及偏心距检算 21⁄2截面验算 21

4.1.4剪应力计算 23

4.1.5重力式挡土墙的设计尺寸 沈哈客运专线路堤与支护设计+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_77395.html
