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时间:2019-03-23 21:34来源:毕业论文

Tengchong Yunnan Regional Residential And The Springs Hotel
Abstract:When more and more high-rise buildings have sprung up in the US, when more and more buildings were us as "strong" and "rich" symbol, has been in diligently the deliberate pursuit of symbolic meaning, deliberately pursue visual needs, deliberately pursue occupy to meet desires, however true architecture is suitable for human habitation, comfortable, safe and beautiful buildings. The beauty of architecture lies in the combination with the environment, and the integration of local living habits, the use of the least resources to create the greatest use value.
The basic idea of sloping land design is to make full use of natural and sloping land resources, so that the sloping buildings are different from other buildings, forming a unique architectural style.. The natural form of the land is subject to the natural form of the sloping land, creating rich architectural space, making the building a natural organic part of the building, and it can achieve the harmonious unification of human, building and nature.Nature is building a large living room, is building a large garden waterside forest natural bonsai. The smart flavor of indoor and outdoor space permeated each other fusion, building in harmony with nature, so that people enjoy the natural landscape and beautiful landscape, for long residence in the hustle and bustle of the city people find spiritual sustenance. At the same time, the unique space form of sloping land also gives the architect unlimited imagination, and adds a vivid landscape to the nature.
KeyWords:Sloping buildings;  rich space;  vivid landscape;
 目  录
1  项目概况  1
  1.1  设计来源  1
  1.2  工程概况   1
2  设计理念1
3  方案设计2
  3.1  总体布局  2
  3.2  建筑各单体  2
    3.2.1  餐饮区 3
    3.2.2  会议中心 3
    3.2.3  主体酒店 4
    3.2.4  分时度假区 4
    3.2.5  汤泡区 5
  3.3  设计策略 6
3.3.1  场地等高线的修正与选择6
3.3.2  坡地建筑技术措施   6
  3.4  交通流线 7
  3.5  材料细部 7
4  小结7
1  项目概况
1.1  设计来源
本设计位于云南省腾冲市梁河县,梁河县地处云南省西部横断山脉西南端、高黎贡山西麓坡阶地中的峡谷地带,位于德宏傣族景颇族自治州东北部。具有丰富的森林资源,境内有温泉17处,有着较大的温泉群。本设计意于在环境优美,地形丰富的山地上,利用当地的自然资源,开发经济项目,利用温泉建造温泉度假酒店,利用当地丰富的旅游资源带动经济发展。同时梁河县内是少数民族聚居地,在建造温泉度假酒店的同时,建造地域性的居住建筑,适宜当地生活习俗。 云南腾冲地域性居住及温泉酒店坡地建筑设计:http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_31238.html