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时间:2018-04-17 18:18来源:毕业论文

The support design of subway station foundation pit project
Abstract: In China, subway and high-rise building construction, resulting in a large number of pit, deep foundation engineering. Deep excavation process must involve the foundation support problem, which in order to ensure the safety of the underground structure construction and pit surrounding environment. The correct design of the support not only related to the stability and security of the pit, is to ensure that the key to the quality of the whole project. This design is based on the Tianjin Huanhu Road subway station excavation as an example of the deep excavation design system, which involves the choice of supporting the program, earth pressure calculation, stability analysis, diaphragm walls and walls purlin reinforcement calculated uplift pile and column design and other issues.
KeyWords: basement; underground diaphragm wall; steel support; foundation pit dewatering;Qimingxing
1绪论    1
1.1 研究背景    1
1.2 国内外研究现状    1
1.3 目的及意义    2
1.4 工程概况    3
1.5 工程地质条件    3
1.6 水文地质条件    6
2 支护方案比选    7
2.1 方案的比较    8
2.2方案的比较及确定    9
2.2.1基坑的特点    9
2.2.2 支护方案的选择    9
3 结构力学计算    10
3.1土压力计算    10
3.1.1荷载的确定    10
3.1.2 地下水对土压力的影响    10
3.2 按分层土计算土压力    10
3.3 结构内力计算及配筋    12
3.3.1土压力计算    12
3.3.2 用等值梁法计算弯矩    14
3.4 地下连续墙的配筋计算    19
3.5 本章小结    21
4 基坑稳定性分析    22
4.1 基坑整体稳定性验算    22
4.2 坑底抗隆起稳定性验算    22
4.3 坑底抗渗流稳定性验算    24
4.4 抗承压水稳定性验算    24
4.5 墙体踢脚稳定性验算    25
4.6本章小结    25
5 支撑设计    26
5.1 方案选择    26
5.2 围檩设计    26
5.3 支撑设计    27
5.4 立柱设计    28
5.5 抗拔桩设计    29
6 基坑降水设计    31
6.1 降水设计条件    31
6.2 基坑降水设计方案    31
6.2.1 管井埋设深度    31
6.2.2 潜水井的设计    32
6.2.3 降压井的设计    33
6.3 本章小结    33
7 施工组织与监测    34
7.1 施工组织管理    34
7.2 施工监测    34
7.3 安全措施    36
7.4 文明施工    36
8 结论与展望    37 地铁车站基坑工程围护设计+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_13486.html