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时间:2018-04-13 21:28来源:毕业论文

关键词  大空间建筑  风冷热泵  全空气系统 
Title  air conditioning engineering design of Science Assembly Hall in Nan Chang                                   
The engineering, named the Science Assembly Hall of Nan Chang, is an overall frame structure with two layers partially. It is of 16.5 meters’ tall, pided into 8.3 meters for one of group of rooms and 8.7 meters for another. The size of this construction is 6675.35 meters, which is considered to be the Class A building, including its fire resistance rating. Although its water resistance ranks into the second level, its service life can still last for 50 years.
We adopted the Air Colled Heatpumps, installed on the opening top floor of the annex building, as the hot and cold source in this design. The auditorium, stage and equipment operation room are all-air system, using dew point air by the primary-air-returning machine . And the rest of the rooms, are the system combining fan coil with independent fresh air. In addition, the auditorium and the stage are two separate all-air systems whose air blowing are underfloor air distribution through vents.
Keyword : large space building    air cooled heat pump    all air system
1. 设计简介    1
1.1 工程概况    1
1.2 设计要求    1
1.3 设计目的    1
2. 负荷计算    2
2.1 设计参数    2
2.3 湿负荷计算    7
2.4 空调热负荷计算    8
3空调方式的设计    10
3.1 建筑功能特点    10
3.2典型的空调方式比较    11
3.3 空调方式的确定    11
4.  空调处理设备选型    12
4.1 全空气系统空气处理机组的选择计算    12
4.2 风机盘管的设计选型    13
5.  空调风系统的设计    14
5.1 风量的确定    15
5.2 风管设计    15
5.3 风口与气流组织设计    16
6.  冷热源设计    17
6.1 方案比较    17
6.2 冷热源的选择与设计    20
7.  防排烟设计    24
致  谢    25
参考文献    26
附录    27
1   引言
1.1    工程概况
1.2    设计要求
本课题要求学生根据南昌市的气候特点,独立完成该科学会堂通风排烟设计及全年舒适性中央空调设计。本毕业设计课题要求学生独立完成的工作:设计重点是空调冷负荷的详细计算,方案比较,设备选型,水系统、风系统的选择及水力计算,和相应施工图的绘制工作。设计难点是根据本工程特点需要对科学会堂内剧院的舞台及观众厅进行气流组织设计。 南昌市科学会堂中央空调系统设计:http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_13205.html