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时间:2021-06-10 23:21来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  胎儿  权利能力  损害赔偿

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title    Fetus Injury Compensation Request Right                    


With the development of new biotechnology and modem medical technology as well as the changes in social policies,the issue of protecting the interests of fetus has become more complex.Presently,the theoretical research thereof in China is not in-depth,and accordingly,the legislation concerning fetus is far from sufficient,with no relevant legal bases available for the large number of disputes arising from the claims against fetus injury in the practical life.Therefore,it is of great necessity to researh theoretically on protecting the interests of fetus,particularly the claims against fetus injury. This paper covers the following parts:The first part covers the definition for the legal concept of fetus; In the second part,the theoretical basis for the claim against fetus injury is mainly discussed,which is the main part of this paper.The third part is an investigation into comparative law. The fourth part covers the present situation and shortcomings of the legislation in China.It is hoped that the research in this paper will have some help in promoting the legislation over protecting the interests of fetus in China.The author believes that with the continuous development ofthe socialist market economy in China as well as the increasing perfection of the socialist legal system,the interests of fetus will get better and better protection;and the protection OVer fetus will be enhanced toconform to the human feelings and the progress of civil law.

Keywords  Fetus   Rights Capacity   Claim against fetus injury 

目   次

1  引言 1

2  胎儿损害赔偿请求权概述  1

2.1损害赔偿请求权 1

2.2 胎儿损害赔偿请求权的特点  1

2.3胎儿损害赔偿请求权主体 2

2.4胎儿损害赔偿请求权的适用范围 3

3   胎儿损害赔偿请求权的理论基础  4

  3.1  权利能力说 4

3.2  法益说 5

3.3  利益关联说 7

4   国外胎儿损害赔偿立法7

4.1大陆法系胎儿损害赔偿立法 7

4.2 英美法系胎儿损害赔偿立法  8

5  我国胎儿损害赔偿请求权立法完善思考  10

5.1 我国胎儿损害赔偿请求权立法现状及问题 10

5.2 我国对于胎儿损害赔偿请求权的立法完善   11

结论 14

致谢 15                    

